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1. Critically analyse the reasons why people take drugs.

Post Date: 15 - Jan - 2024


Substance Use and Society October 2019 Cohort

Canvas & JIRA Deadline: TBC


SSC312 Assessment 001

 - A 2500 word (guideline) essay testing learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4. Assessment one to be handed in via Turnitin on CANVAS and JIRA

This essay should meet the following learning outcomes:


  1. Understanding of the physical, psychological, pharmacological, legal and social contexts and consequences of substance use.
  2. Knowledge of preventative and intervention strategies in place with regard to substance misuse
  3. An evaluation of current theories of problematic substance use.


4. Demonstrate independent writing skills using academic resources, research and references.

Write a 2500-word (guideline) essay on one of the following questions:

1.     Critically analyse the reasons why people take drugs.

In this essay you will need to explore reasons why people take drugs, examine prevalence rates, and evaluate theories of addiction. You could also include attitudes to drug taking, within different arenas such as public, government and media.

2.     Critically analyse the relationship between either

a)     drugs and crime or b) drugs in prison

In either of these questions there should be links made between drugs and crime. The theoretical understanding of these links need to be established and also some attempt at establishing how intervention may (or may not) work in this regard.

3.   Choose a type of drug (legal or illicit) and critically explore and analyse the interventions which may be applied when its use becomes problematic.

For this essay you initially need to explore the meaning of problematic drug use in defining your terms. You also need to examine the associated issues linked to this ‘problematic’ use and how this may impact upon the individual, family, community and/or society. What routes of intervention may be taken and assess the relative effectiveness of this, suggesting alternative interventions (if possible) from other countries or from reading you may have done.

Assessment 002 _

A multiple-choice questionnaire which tests learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4

Time Constrained Test: will take place during the assessment weeks in February, 2020 as arranged by examination timetables (check on CANVAS).

Assessment Regulations For further information regarding Assessment Regulations, extenuating circumstances or extensions and academic integrity, please refer to your Programme Handbook on the University of Sunderland in London information page on Canvas.









Argument and Structure



Reference toLiterature


86 – 100%

The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also ample excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation ordiscourse.


The work examined is outstanding and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be outstanding in the majority of the category as cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation ordiscourse.


70 – 75%

The work examined is excellent and is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation ordiscourse.


60 – 69%

Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment

A substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp ofthemes,

Good analysis, clear and orderly

Generally coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical mode(s)

May contain some distinctive or independent thinking; may begin to formulate an independent

Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readablestyle

Critical appraisal of up- to-date and/or appropriate literature. Recognition of different perspectives. Very good use of




questions and issuestherein



position in relation to theory and/or practice.

with acceptable format

source material. Uses a range ofsources


50 – 59%

Some attempt to address the requirements of the assessment: may drift away from this in less focused passages

Adequate knowledge of a fair range of relevant material, with intermittent evidence of an appreciation of itssignificance

Some analytical treatment, but may be prone to description, or to narrative, which lacks clear analytical purpose

Some attempt to construct a coherent argument, but may suffer loss of focus and consistency, with issues at stake stated only vaguely, or theoretical mode(s) couched in simplisticterms

Sound work which expresses a coherent position only in broad terms and in uncritical conformity to one or more standard views of thetopic

Competently written,  with only minor lapses from standard grammar, with acceptable format

Uses a variety of literature which includes some recent texts and/or appropriate literature, though not necessarily including a substantive amount beyond library texts. Competent use of sourcematerial.

40 – 49%

Some correlation with the requirements of the assessment but there is a significant degree of irrelevance

Basic understanding of the subject but addressing a limited range of material

Largely descriptive or narrative, with little evidence ofanalysis

A basic argument is evident, but mainly supported by assertion and there may be a lack of clarity and coherence

Some evidence of a view starting to be formed but mainly derivative.

A simple basic style but with significant deficiencies in expression or format that may pose obstacles for thereader

Some up-to-date and/or appropriate literature used. Goes beyond the material tutor hasprovided.

Limited use of sources to support apoint.

Weak use of source material.


35 – 39%

Relevance to the requirements of the assessment may be very intermittent, and may be reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms

A limited understanding of a narrow range ofmaterial

Heavy dependence on description, and/or on paraphrase, is common

Little evidence of coherent argument: lacks development and may be repetitive or thin

Almost wholly derivative: the writer’s contribution rarely goes beyond simplifying paraphrase

Numerous deficiencies in expression and presentation; the writer may achieve clarity (if at all) only by using a simplistic or repetitious style

Barely adequate use of literature. Over reliance on material provided by thetutor.

The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied.

30 – 34%

The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence provided shows that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in some of the indicators.


The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence shows that few of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in several of the indicators.


The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence fails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in the majority or all of the indicators.


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