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Apply and critically appraise a range of theories of career development

Post Date: 29 - Dec - 2023


Employability Skills

Coursework Brief Handout:

Submit this coursework through the Student Portal

A critical reflection with word limit: between 2000-2500 words plus appendices:

  1. List of (Gallup) strengths
  2. Screenshot or copy of a current job description and specification (this must relate to your programme of study)
  3. Current Professional CV (this must be tailored to the job description and specification outlined in A)
  4. Current LinkedIn Online profile
  5. Current Professional Development Plan (including objectives which relate to the three themes: Know yourself; Know your sector; Let them know you)
  6. Completed STAR template for interview preparation (tailored for an interview for the job description and specification outlined in A)

Learning outcomes assessed:

  1. Develop employability skills and increase self-awareness within a range of contexts to demonstrate a commitment to lifelong career development learning
  2. Applyand critically appraise a range of theories of career development
  3. Analyse and evaluate sources of local, regional and global opportunities relevant to career ideas, interests and ambitions
  4. Produce a professional CV, online profile, action plan and develop digital literacy skills for work

This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.

Coursework Instructions

Please read carefully

• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors.

Academic Misconduct

You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must:

• Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person.

• Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.


Employability Skills

Over the course you will research into and work towards applying for a job in your sector and prepare for an interview which you will reflect on as part of this assignment (outlined on the following page).

Your tutorials will be broken down into three main themes:

1. ‘KNOW YOURSELF’ will focus on developing your self-awareness

2. ‘KNOW YOUR SECTOR’ will focus on developing your sector knowledge

3. ‘LET THEM KNOW YOU’ will prepare you for an interview or business pitch

During the tutorials you will work both individually and as part of a group to complete practical tasks tailored for your programme of study:

§ BSc (Hons) Business Management

§ BSc (Hons) Business Management with Creative Industries

§ BSc (Hons) Business Management with E-Commerce

§ BSc (Hons) Business

§ BSc (Hons) Professional Management

§ BSc (Hons) Economics

§ BSc (Hons) Enterprise and Small Business Development

§ BSc (Hons) Travel and Tourism

§ BSc (Hons) Oil and Gas Management

§ BSc (Hons) Human Resources with Management

§ Events and Events and Entertainment Management

§ BSc (Hons) Marketing

§ BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance

Your assessment grades from this module will count towards your final degree mark

Employability Skills resit assignment: 100% of your overall grade

On this course you will work towards increasing your self-awareness and developing your employability skills in order to be able to apply for a current job within your sector (related to your programme of study).

For this coursework assignment, you are required to write a critical reflection with a word limit between 2,000- 2,500 words plus appendices (A-E).You must include a full reference list for all the sources you have cited in your assignment in Harvard style. Please note that the appendices and reference list are not included in the word count.

This assignment should be written in an appropriate report format and must reflect on the following three themes of your career journey on this course:

1.  Know yourself

Learning Outcomes

Critically appraise Johari’s window and the Clifton Gallup Strengths theory.

Reflect on how you could apply elements of these theories to help you to achieve your career aspirations.

LO1 & LO2

2.  Know your sector

Learning Outcomes

Analyse a professional qualification required in your sector.

Evaluate how by having the qualification it would add value to an employer and make you the preferred candidate.

Reflect on your own current skill set in relation to the professional qualification and how you could further develop them. For example: Leadership, digital skills, problem solving



 3.  Let them know you

 Learning Outcomes

Identify a live job description and specification for a desired job in your sector and reflect on how your CV and LinkedIn profile demonstrates the essential and desirable skills required, and what this says to a potential employer.

Research and identify 3 relevant questions for a job interview using the following categories and answer them using the STAR method (include this in your appendices).


1.    Experience verification question

2.    Opinion question

3.    Behavioral question


LO1 & LO4

 Reflect on your ability to apply the STAR method structure to the questions. What have you learnt about yourself from this process and what skills do you need to develop?


Include a full reference list for all the sources you have cited in your text in Harvard style. You should include an appropriate number of sources in your writing for this academic level


Your assignment must include the following appendices (A-E)

  1. List of (Gallup) strengths
  2. Screenshot or copy of a current job description and specification (this must relate to your programme of study)
  3. Current Professional CV (this must be tailored to the job description and specification outlined in A)
  4. Current LinkedIn Online profile
  5. Current Professional Development Plan (including objectives which relate to the three themes: Know yourself; Know your sector; Let them know you)
  6. Completed STAR template for interview preparation (tailored for an interview for the job description outlined in A)

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