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Be able to encourage learning and development in an active leisure team

Post Date: 15 - Aug - 2023

Unit 19: Promote learning and development in active leisure

Unit reference number:K/503/0869
QCF level:4
Credit value:5
Guided learning hours:25

Unit summary

This unit covers the competence that supervisors/team leaders require to help colleagues engage with and benefit from learning and development.

Assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Learning outcomes 1-4

Evidence of performance in the workplace on more than one occasion. There should be a combination of at least two of the following:

  • observation (for example team meetings or training sessions)
  • testimony of others (for example line manager or learning and development specialists or training providers)
  • products of work (for example team briefing notes or notes of team meetings, training needs analyses, learning plans developed with team members, evaluations of the outcomes of training)
  • reflective account. Simulations are not allowed.

Assessment methodology

This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.

Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


1.            Be able to encourage learning and development in an active leisure team

Promote the benefits of learning and development to team members

Acknowledge team members’ willingness and efforts to learn

Encourage team members to take responsibility for their own learning and development




2.            Be able to assist team members identify their learning needs and styles

Work with team members to identify and prioritise learning needs

Help team members to identify the learning style(s) that work best for them




3.            Be able to assist team members to plan and implement learning and development activities

Support team members in obtaining information on a range of possible learning activities to address identified learning needs

Agree with team members a plan for development which includes:

learning activities to be undertaken

the learning objectives to be achieved

the required resources and timescales




4.            Be able to support team members in implementing learning opportunities

Support team members to make use of unplanned learning opportunities

Make use of specialist expertise in relation to identifying and providing learning for team members

Support team members in undertaking learning activities

Make sure any required resources are made available

Assist team members to overcome obstacles to learning




5.            Be able to support team members in reviewing and updating learning and development plans

Evaluate, in discussion with team members, whether the learning activities they have undertaken have achieved the desired outcomes

Work with team members to:

update their development plan in the light of performance,

record learning activities undertaken

agree any wider changes to team members’ work activities




6.                            Understand how to support learning and development for team members

Explain the importance of learning and development for team members in active leisure

Explain the characteristics of an environment and culture that encourages learning and development

Explain the processes involved in identifying learning and development needs for active leisure staff

Describe the range of learning activities available to colleagues in active leisure

Explain how to assist colleagues to select learning activities most appropriate to their learning and development needs

Identify the types of support that colleagues may need when they are undertaking learning and development

Explain the importance of evaluating learning and development and the techniques that can be used




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