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Be able to start up and shut down plant

Post Date: 01 - Dec - 2019

Unit 24: Operate swimming pool plant

Unit reference number: M/503/0985
QCF level: 3
Credit value: 2
Guided learning hours: 10

Unit summary

This unit cover the competence that the learner needs to operate swimming pool plant to maintain the quality of the pool.

Assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Learning outcomes 1-3

Evidence of performance in the workplace on more than one occasion. There should be a combination of at least two of the following:

  • observation (for example of the learner operating swimming pool plant or carrying out routine maintenance)
  • testimony of others (for example line manager or pool plant supplier/manufacturer)
  • products of work (for example operational and maintenance records)
  • reflective account.
  • Questioning or simulation may be used for assessment criteria: 1.4, 1.5, 2.3, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3.

Assessment methodology

This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.

Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


1.            Be able to start up and shut down plant

Make sure the systems are set for start-up or shut- down

Begin the start-up and shut-down sequences following written procedures

Monitor the systems for faults and alarms

Take action to deal with any faults and alarms following written procedures

Follow the emergency action plan in the event of any emergencies

Follow the required record keeping procedures

Ensure plant operates within the recommended parameters and standards in accordance with nationally accepted guidelines and local written procedures

Follow all relevant legislation and other safety requirements at all times




2.            Be able to maintain plant in working order

Carry out tests, visual and audible checks and routine maintenance according to the prescribed maintenance schedule and log sheet requirements

Identify any items which need repair and report these to the responsible colleague

Take appropriate action when the normal operating procedures are not being met

Log and report energy and water usage figures, taking appropriate action to deal with wasteful losses and leaks to maintain the efficiency and safety of the plant

Monitor alarms and respond to them following normal operating procedures and the emergency action plan

Carry out routine maintenance activities, including backwash of pool filters and changing/cleaning pump strainer baskets

Follow the required record keeping procedures

Follow all relevant legislation and meet recommended operating conditions at all times




3.            Be able to ensure the quality of water

Take corrective action in response to chemical pool water tests

Take corrective action in response to alarms which monitor water quality

Take corrective action in response to bacteriological test results including:

  • faecal
  • diarrhoeal
  • vomit
  • blood
  • microbiological

Follow the required record keeping procedures

Follow all relevant legislation and other safety requirements at all times




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