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CFPBUS003 - Introduction to Information Technology

Post Date: 10 - Aug - 2023
Assignment Brief


BABS Foundation



Module Title:

CFPBUS003 - Introduction to Information Technology

Module Leader:

Chandranna Rayadurg

Assignment title:

 Individual Report

Assignment number:




Method of submission:


Online only


Online and paper copy

Special instructions for submission (if any):


Date for results and feedback:


Employability skills assessed:


Learning outcomes assessed:

Included in the assignment tasks


In the main body of your submission you must give credit to authors on whose research your work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books: surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of publication).





Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment, followed by your name:    

I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references have been duly cited.









Assessment: Individual Report (2000 - 3000words)


Information technology (IT), its applications and services to businessesin the businessworldarean essential requirement to survive and succeed. IT has an important role in all walks oflife. IT increases productivity of a company with efficiencyof savingeffort, time and money.


Select an organisation in the retail sector, for example super markets and conduct desk and/or Internet research on the organisation, together with an analysis of relevant academic books and journals to:

  • identify the role of ITin the success or failure of your chosen organisation,
  • find ethical and social issues that pertain to running businesses,
  • identify and differentiate between different types of networking technologies.
  • discuss the importance of social mediain your business
  • list and explain the different stage of system development life cycle. Please note this may not be revenant to the selected business, however, you must provide a generic answer.

Support your analysis with a discussion of the potential benefits and drawbacks of your chosen company investing in Information Technology.

This assessment addresses:

LO1 - Understand and use frequently used Computing terminologies

LO2 - Understand ethical and social issues associated with Technology

LO3 - Differentiate between types of networks

LO4 - Appreciate the growth in ICT and use of the Internet and its effects on business

LO5 - Understand the role of Information Technology in Management

LO6 - Understand the different stages of systems development

Further points:

  • It is expected that you use current peer-reviewed journals and articles to ensure that you have an in-depth understanding of your topic particularly for the Literature Review.
  • There must be sufficient linkage between theory and practice.
  • Harvard style of references should be used.


Ensure that the report has the following structure and contains the details outlined:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Analysis and discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Reference List


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