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Critically analyse and understand the nature and form of electronic commerce

Post Date: 01 - Feb - 2020

Assignment Title:                      e-commerce business models
Assignment Task

This assignment is a 2500-word essay. Your essay should meet the requirements of the following question:

“Critically analyse and discuss the impact of e-commerce on business strategy, supply chains, logistical operations and business models.”

Your essay should discuss the following as a guide: 

  1. Analysis and understanding of Business within the online environment
  2. Critical understanding/discussion and explanation of online business and revenue models within the context of e-commerce.
  3. The role of e-commerce technology in developing strategies that support unique and distinct e-commerce opportunities.
  4. The impact of e-commerce on the supply chain

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding

On completion of the module the student will: 

          1.    Critically analyse and understand the nature and form of electronic commerce;

          2.    Demonstrate an awareness of the issues surrounding the development and implementation of electronic commerce.

          3.    Analyse the importance of good technical infrastructure as a basis of electronic commerce.

          5.    Critically assess how Internet based technology can help transform current ways of working. .

Reference requirement: total need 20 references:includetwo website reference,three references of book, 15 referencesofjournal article .reference formatis:APA 6th
Extra Note

Think about the role of information within the online environment. How it has evolved as a tool for making decisions to something that adds core value to an organisation. To pass students should show an ability to analyse e-commerce within the business environment and should be able to successfully determine the role of privacy in building trust and relationships.

To obtain a high mark the student should be critical in their discussion of online business and identify the impact of dynamic business models on traditional methods of business. Look at the role of online technologies as an enabler and as a driver of online business strategy and competitive advantage. The analysis will be related to the processes of the business as a whole and will be academically supported and well referenced.

Your essay should have a line spacing of one and a half lines with a times new roman 10 point font. A

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