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Critically explore and apply both primary and secondary research methodologies to a chosen business idea

Post Date: 09 - Aug - 2023

FdA Business with Management

Business Planning and Entrepreneurship

Module Code: UMKDKX-30-2

Level:                                     2                                 

UWE Credit Rating:               30                                           

Field:                                     SOM                                      

Assessment:                       Business Plan                     

Component:                        Component B

Weighting:                            70%                           

Assessment/ Word Limit:   3,000 Words                                     

(Failure to comply with the word count may result in a reduction in your assignment mark at the discretion of the assessor and module leader)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Critically explore and apply both primary and secondary research methodologies to a chosen business idea
  • Demonstrate and produce robust conclusions that support a business idea
  • Recognise and engage meaningfully with a business opportunity.
  • Apply knowledge and skills required to produce a comprehensive business plan
  • Understand the impact of decision making on new venture creation and development.

Format of Written Work

  • Your submission must be word processed
  • Font 11 or 12 typeface
  • Include page numbers
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Include a front sheet
  • Do not put your name on the front cover – you must use your student number
  • Please ensure the Harvard Referencing System is used and a list of references and bibliography must accompany your submission (alphabetical order).
  • The total word count (excluding reference list and bibliography) must be clearly stated on the title page.
  • Appendices may be included for reference but will not be marked.

Business Plan Assessment

You are required to produce a Business Plan (3,000 words) which will assess your understanding of the impacts of decision making on a new venture, creation and development. You need to have engaged meaningfully with a business opportunity of your choice, producing robust conclusions that support your business idea. The Business Plan should include critically explored primary and secondary research methodologies.

The assessment will be assessed using the following criteria for the Business Plan:

  • Use of relevant in-depth market analysis and research methodologies that have been critically analysed and supports the justification for the business plan (15 %)
  • A viable finance proposal within the business plan with all figures fully justified that clearly shows analysis and the development of realistic business objectives linked to the project costings and management of the projects budgets (30 %)
  • A well-structured and succinct business plan that demonstrates relevant business and sustainability models as suitable for the proposed business. All judgements should be supported by relevant academic theory (30 %)
  • A professional layout of the business plan with the correct use of the Harvard referencing style (10 %).
  • The business plan should communicate how customer value will be created; any associated legal implications and must identify the role of entrepreneurship (15 %)


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