Unit 25: Design Development, Creativity and Business Development
Unit code: R/501/8389
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 6
Guided learning hours: 40
Unit aim
The aim of this unit is to give learners the skills and knowledge that will be useful whether entering employment in the creative and media sector, or progressing to higher education. This unit aims to take the learner through the steps in the creative process which they will need to follow to turn a client’s brief from initial thoughts into a set of workable design ideas and concepts.
Competency unit assessment guidance
This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.
Unit introduction
Whilst designing for its own sake has a place in the creative world, most designers, at some point in their career, will come up against the commercial realities of the business world. As a designer or creative thinker it would be easy to become isolated in a creative world that had no basis in commercial reality. It is important that anyone entering the industry understands not just the creative process, but also the need to be professional in order to survive in the world of business. In this unit learners will be introduced to the concept of branding and the techniques used for the creation, and the development, of strong brands.
Learners will also look at different ways of developing creative thought and stimulating the creative process, and carrying this through to initial design ideas. Having produced a set of design ideas, the next task is to communicate them to the client. With this in mind, the next area of this unit will introduce learners to techniques which will help them to have their creative ideas accepted by clients. Put more simply, learners will use techniques to ‘sell’ their design ideas effectively, so that they are ‘bought’ by the client. By the time they have completed this unit, learners will start to understand that creative ideas that are supported by commercial data are also more likely to be taken up by clients.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Assessment criteria
1 Define techniques used increating a brand and theimportanceof brandingtobusiness development
1.1 Define andevaluate the toolsneeded to create a brand toinclude
● analysing competitor brands
● development of own businessbrand personality
● investigating businessUSP
2 Be able to develop thoughtprocesses to generate creativeideas
2.1 Develop techniques for creativethought through applying
● brainstorming
● use of empathic tools
● learning from others
3 Be able to transfer creativethought to initial design idea
3.1 For a specific briefdefine andimplementthe processesinvolvedwhen transferringcreative thought toinitial designidea to include
● identification ofthemarketthrough theunderstanding ofcustomer needs in order toclarify brief
● researching sales andmarketinformation
● analysis of gathered data aboutcustomer behaviour andcompetitor activity.
3.2 Communicate researchfindingswith Client toagreebest approach toproject andproduce a proposal
Assessment criteria
4 Define techniques used in thepresentation ofdeveloped designconcepts to the end user(considering and understandingclient needs)
4.1 Present a pitch of developeddesign conceptsto (consideringand understanding client needs)to an appropriate audiencetaking intoconsideration
● howthe concept meets clientneed
● roles and format of thepresentation
● appropriatepresentationtechniquesto communicatedesign options visuallyandorally
4.2 Produce a written specificationfor the client
5 Produce a written specificationfor the client
5.1 Apply the following concepts totheir own area of expertise
● sales negotiation
● preparing and presentingproposals and quotations-toinclude terms, specification,quality, price
● analysing market opportunities
● communicate and recordagreements
5.2 Review the impactof theconcepts in their own area ofexpertise