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Develop a conceptual understanding and elaborate upon how equality law operates in the public sector

Post Date: 11 - Dec - 2019

Conflicts or Cohesion

Level: 6


Brief Summary


The unit will enable students to develop both a conceptual understanding and analysis of Equality Law and the practice of law in informing and determining community cohesion theory. Policy and practice. 

Indicative Content

There are two interlinked elements in this unit. 

First students will develop both conceptual and practical knowledge and analysis of the effects of Equality law on the practice of public sector organisations. Students will identify and evaluate the development of Equality legislation and the implementation of this through the Equality Act of 2010.

Students will then develop knowledge analysis and evaluation of both the theory and practice of community cohesion.  This element is informed by the use of a case study which involves a visit and evaluation of a local authority and its practice in developing community cohesion.  The unit will also enable students to compare and contrast international policies and practice in community cohesion.

Unit Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

Develop a conceptual understanding and elaborate upon how equality law operates in the public sector.

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of diversity legislation as an instrument for social change in Multi-Cultural Britain.

Summarise and critically examine a range of key concepts and theoretical approaches to the development of community cohesion in British society.

Synthesise the different approaches to community cohesion policy in a global context.

Assignment Task 1

Unit/Module Title

Conflicts or Cohesion



Assessment Type/Element/Title


% Weighting




Learning Outcomes to be assessed (from Module/Unit specification)

Develop a conceptual understanding and elaborate upon how equality law operates in the public sector.

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of diversity legislation as an instrument for social change in Multi-Cultural Britain.

Assignment Task 2

Unit/Module Title

Conflicts or Cohesion



Assessment Type/Element/Title



% Weighting




Assessment Task Overview

The essay will provide evidence of wide reading and research using a wide variety of sources including books, journals and reports from government, local authorities and charities and trusts. It will use theoretical concepts including community cohesion, multi culturalism, interculturalism and assimilation to illustrate competing theories and practice in the development of community cohesion policy and practice. The essay will also provide evidence of international comparison where different models of community cohesion have been developed. Comparison and evaluation  should  be applied  to provide evidence of the  different approaches and their  achievements and problems         

Learning Outcomes to be assessed (from Module/Unit specification)

Summarise and critically examine a range of key concepts and theoretical approaches to the development of community cohesion in British society.

Synthesise the different approaches to community cohesion policy in a global context.

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