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Evaluate how factors that drive change and impact on patient care have influenced the development of recent policy

Post Date: 18 - Jul - 2023

Unit Number and Title:25 - Facilitating Change in Healthcare Environment

ssignmentTitle: Facilitating Change in Healthcare Environment


LO1: Discuss factors that have driven recent changes in the healthcare sector.

LO2: Discuss the components of change management within a change management initiative in Health provision.

LO3: Implement own small-scale change management plan.

LO4: Assess the effectiveness of a change management plan.


As a newly appointed manager of a healthcare organization you have been tasked with implementing a change management plan. You will need to follow the structure detailed below to create, implement, evaluate and assess your change management plan, taking into consideration all the factors listed in parts 1 to 4. You will need to present your plan to your supervisor in form of a report , implement it as well as evaluate it following changes in government policy, funding and strategic focus over the last 10 years the government has brought in and the impacts of the changes on the individual patient populations in your own organization and the health and social care sector as a whole.

Part 1. Evaluate how factors that drive change and impact on patient care have influenced the development of recent policy by Assessing the impact of these factors on care for individuals accessing healthcare services. You need to then Discuss recent changes that impact practice in the healthcare sector and go on to Present a report on these factors that have driven these recent changes.

Part 2. Assess the factors that affect readiness to change in healthcare practice setting given the current national strategic climate, Justifying the initiative in relation to wider healthcare issues. Ensure you I llustrate in detail the components of change management within a health or care service context and Discuss the impact of national strategic direction on a local initiative to effect change in health or care provision.

Part 3. Evaluate the impact of own change management initiative on key stakeholders ,making Comparisons to other healthcare change initiatives by Assessing themes, areas for development and communication strategies used in the change management plan. Ensure you have Prepared a small-scale change management plan, Presented strategies to address anticipated challenges to the implementation of the change management plan and use Testing and Analysis to implement the change management plan.

Part 4. Critically assess the need for future work on the basis of the Evaluation of the change management initiative by Justifying outcomes of change management initiative to staff in a healthcare setting. Ensure you Evaluate the impact of a change management initiative on staff and Present the Analytical report on the findings of change management initiative to relevant stakeholders.

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