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Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional making reference to the current CIPD Profession Map

Post Date: 02 - Aug - 2023


Activity 1

Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional making reference to the current CIPD Profession Map.

1.1 What is HR Professionalism

1.2 Range of values and knowledge and why these are important

1.3 Purpose of the professional Map

1.4 Conclusion

Notes to remember:

  • Define HR Professionalism
  • Build upon the definition, skills, knowledge and behaviors of an HR professional
  • Form it into a set of sub headings being an effective and efficient professional, the purpose of the CIPD Profession Map etc.

Activity 2

Briefly describe the elements of group dynamics and give at least two examples of conflict resolution methods within an HR context.

Activity 3

With reference to a recent or current project (large or small) which you have led (or been part of a project team):

  • Provide evidence of using project management and problem-solving techniques in the course of the project.
  • Explain how you successfully influenced, persuaded and negotiated with others in the course of the project (or other related activity).

Activity 4

  • Undertake a self-assessment of one area of your practice to identify your professional development needs in that area and options to address these.
  • Produce a professional development plan (PDP) plan to meet your professional development needs which includes a justification of the option(s) chosen.
  • During your programme, provide a reflective summary of your performance against the plan. You should also identify any future development needs and record these in your PDP.


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