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Explain the key concepts and features of social media in different creative media practices

Post Date: 24 - Nov - 2019

Unit 46:            Social Media Practice

Unit code         K/616/1777

Unit level         5

Credit value     15


Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs of countless themes, the ability to leave comments about news, online stores, file sharing platforms and wikis have become essential elements of daily life. They have also become valuable tools in the way that businesses communicate with their existing and potential audiences. Social media has transformed the way that people and businesses communicate by allowing engagement across multiple channels with greater personalisation and targeted dissemination.

While we are experiencing a time of transformation that generates interesting opportunities, we are also faced with new challenges for organisations and individuals. The rapid grown in social media raises questions about authorship, authenticity, and privacy, to name but a few.

This unit explores this new cultural ecosystem, where we use new practices of communication and social interaction through social media.

Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to analyse a market to plan and develop strategic communication campaigns through social media.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Explain the key concepts and features of social media in different creative media practices


P1 Explain the key concepts of social media for businesses

P2 Discuss the influence of business and cultural factors on the development of social media

M1 Evaluate the use of social media, in the relationship between businesses and consumers

LO1 and LO2

D1 Critically analyse how social media is used by organisations to develop and promote business aims

LO2 Discuss the uses of social media and their impact on market and audience


P3 Explore the use of social media platforms for different communication objectives

P4 Discuss the impact of different forms of social media on brand awareness and consumer engagement

M2 Critically evaluate different social media platforms to identify their areas of greatest influence





LO3 Develop a social media strategy for a creative media organisation, based on client need, market and user research


P5 Evaluate market and user research to define aims and objectives for a social media strategy, in response to a given brief

P6 Create a social media strategy to address client needs and meet customer expectations

M3 Justify the selection of technology platforms and tools for use in a social media strategy

LO3 and LO4

D2 Critically evaluate own social media strategy and plan, highlighting the way it will support the aims and objectives of a social media strategy

LO4 Present a social media plan for a creative media production organisation


P7 Develop a social media plan, including content creation, scheduling and monitoring

P8 Present a social media plan that communicates the way in which it meets customer and client needs

M4 Critically analyse a social media strategy and define the metrics required for social media analytics


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

1.    Explain the key concepts and features of social media in different creative media practices

2.    Discuss the uses of social media and their impact on market and audience

3.    Develop a social media strategy for a creative media organisation, based on client need, market and user research

4.    Present a social media plan for a creative media production organisation.

Essential content

LO1 Explain the key concepts and features of social media in different creative media practices

Social media concepts:

·         Interactivity User-generated User profiles

·         Community/Interest-driven.

Media environment: Technologies Globalisation Interactive/Reactive

·         User-Generated Content (UGC) Social networking

·         Culture and society.

Social media and journalism:

·         Online journalism Citizen journalism.

·         Social media and marketing/advertising:

·         Business to Consumer (B2C) Business to Business (B2B).

·         Social media roles: Social media manager Community manager.

·         Social gaming

LO2 Discuss the uses of social media and their impact on market and audience

Social media use by individuals:

·         Social networking Personal objectives Entertainment Social interaction

·         Consumer-to-consumer recommendations Blogging.

·         Social media use by organisations:

·         Enterprise 2.0

·         Corporate Use of social media: Brand building, culture of the company, positioning in social networks

·         Social media engagement: Customer service, shared values

·         Communication and advertising: Internal communication, external communication, contents, platforms.

LO3 Develop a social media strategy for a creative media organisation, based on client need, market and user research

Social media strategy:

·         Market research Competitor analysis Aims/Objectives Content Strategy.

·         Social media and other marketing/advertising:

·         Coordination and convergence Shared assets.

Content management:

·         Creation Dissemination Visibility

·         Professional social media management Social media analytics.

LO4 Present a social media plan for a creative media production organisation

Social media plan: Aims/Objectives Content Scheduling

·         User engagement.

·         Market testing:

·         Focus groups Questionnaire/Survey Interviews.

·         Social media analytics: Analytics process Data sources

·         Data searching Data modelling Insights Metrics ‘Followers’ ‘Likes’

·         Click-thru rate

·         Customer attitudes/behaviours.

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