Welcome to the module ‘Fundamentals of Evidence-based Practice’. ---- (Office Room:) is the delivering lecturer for this unit.
The module will be delivered on Tuesdays to Group A and Saturdays to Group B, with lessons commencing on 22nd January 2024 for the duration of 13 weeks with the submission of the assignment on 11th May 2024. The module descriptors can be found within this handbook.
Teaching Strategy
The scheme of work outlines the topics you will be taught over the 13-week period. The module will be delivered through a mix of practical and theory lectures, seminar discussions and workshops. Classroom activities may also take the form of case study discussions, student led presentations and group work. In addition, you will be expected to take responsibility for your learning through reading the recommended textbooks, academic journals and given case studies and handouts. Furthermore, the Loughborough College Learnzone site should be your first port of call for information relating to this module.
You will be assessed throughout your study both formatively during class input e.g. in the form of tests, question and answer sessions and case study debates and summatively through written and verbal assignments. The assignment briefs for the assessments are to be found within this handbook and include the marking criteria that you will be assessed against. You will be given written feedback which identifies the strengths and areas where you could have improved your work to achieve a higher grade. Your tutor will also give you verbal feedback. LO1 Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in health and social care
Please note that assignment feedback will be provided within 4 weeks of submission.
Submission of Assessments
Students are required to submit an electronic version of their work through Loughborough College Learnzone site to “Turnitin” database for a similarity check. The course tutors will explain what this is and how students submit their work through this process at the start of the unit in class. Please note that all work must be submitted electronically at the time and date stated on the assignment brief. Failure to submit the work by this time will result in a penalty for late submission and the grade achieved is restricted to a pass. Presentations should also be converted to PDF format and submitted through ‘Learnzone’ into our “Turnitin” database.
In addition to that:
- The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
- Make sure your work is clearly presented in chronological order and has a logical flow.
- Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.
- Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English.
- English presented within the body of your assignment must show academic proficiency and comply with academic requirements.
- Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.
- Any act of plagiarism and collusion (including use of ‘Contract Cheating’ or ‘Text Box’ etc.) will be seriously dealt with according to the City College Limited regulations.
Assignment Schedule
Final completed assignment
A review “Report” (3500 words) on Evidence-Based Practice which focused on theme: “Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice”. The report should include a research proposal, research question, literature review-based on your research question, research findings and an evaluation of your own journey through the entire process, considering the innovative contributions you could make toward the improvement of health.
Word Count/ Presentation Times
The length of assessments provided within the briefs are to improve your academic skills concerning concise presentation of information however you will not be penalised for not being within the recommended length.
Research and Referencing
Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a reference list using the Harvard referencing system to show the sources of information used.
Resubmission Opportunity
An assignment provides the final assessment for the relevant Learning Outcomes and is normally a final assessment decision. A student who, for the first assessment opportunity, has failed to achieve a Pass for that unit specification shall be expected to undertake a reassessment. Please see points below for further guidance on this:
- Only one opportunity for reassessment of the unit will be permitted.
- Reassessment for course work, project- or portfolio-based assessments shall normally involve the reworking of the original task.
- For examinations, reassessment shall involve completion of a new task.
- A student who undertakes a reassessment will have their grade capped at a Pass for that unit.
- A student will not be entitled to be reassessed in any component of assessment for which a Pass grade or higher has already been awarded.
Tutor Support
Your module tutors will support you if you have any problems with your assignment and the best way of contact is via the email system. The tutor email addresses are:
Module Tutor(s): [email protected]
Academic Tutor Support: [email protected]
[email protected]
Academic Support and Employability
As a support mechanism throughout your course, you will have full access to the Higher Education (HE) study skills online package. These sessions provide you with the fundamental skills needed to develop as a student studying in, HE and support and guidance to achieve your academic and professional ambitions. The series of informative topics have interactions, quizzes to test understanding and links to further reading to enhance your knowledge.
These resources will act as your point of reference across many different aspects of your course from time management to how to write your assessments. Tutors will be using these resources as teaching and learning materials and will also expect you to access them to aid effective completion of assessments and examinations.
If you have any questions or queries regarding these resources, then please contact your progress tutor.
Topics include:
- Collecting, interpreting, and managing data.
- Critical analysis.
- Learning styles.
- Managing information searches.
- Personal study skills – stress management and time management and organisation.
- Plagiarism, referencing and citations.
- Presentations.
- Problem solving and decision making.
- Reading skills.
- Reflective practice.
- Revision and exam skills.
- Skills analysis – Self-awareness and skills for HE and beyond.
- Writing skills – Assessment writing and grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Employability Behaviours
Throughout this module you will develop the following employability behaviours and skills identified by employers as essential in the work place:
- Within seminars and group presentations you will show an ability to work within a team.
- During formative and summative assessments, you will solve a variety of problems through critical thinking.
- Communications skills will be developed during seminars answering formative assessments and when presenting summative assessments.
- In order to develop answers to key questions and develop summative assessments you will evidence self-management to produce assessments within a given timeframe.
- Flexibility and adaptability will be evidenced when developing answers to key questions during formative and summative assessments.
Independent study
The key element of the transition to HE is independent study – learning to work by and for yourself. This is essential in order to develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your subject and your program is designed to help you develop as an independent learner.
Unit 4: Fundamentals of Evidence-based Practice (Pearson Set)
Evidence-based practice in health and social care involves taking a systematic approach to examining a range of evidence in order to answer key questions of relevance to the sector. The basis of evidence-based practice is research. In health and social care, research is conducted for a number of reasons for example, to find prevalence or incidence of disease, to assess quality of life or patient satisfaction. Research has global relevance and plays a significant role in influencing the development of high-quality provision, supporting a high-functioning integrated workforce and promoting the health and wellbeing of those who use health, care services.
Working in health and social care provides unique opportunities for practitioners to make a difference, developing the skills and knowledge to conduct research is fundamental in order to support quality practice, influence positive change and promote a highly-skilled workforce.
The aim of this unit is to develop students’ knowledge and skills to understand the purpose and process of research in health and social care particularly in relation to promoting integrated approaches to care. Students will carry out a literature review on a topic drawn from the Practice Themes aimed at quality improvement within wider health, care or support service practice. Students will learn how to source current literature and assess the reliability and validity of sources to be able to construct an argument that leads to a proposal for a potential research study. Throughout this process, students will learn how they can dynamically influence changes and improvements within the health and social care sector. The unit will develop students’ skills in understanding the steps they need to take to complete a literature review, academic conventions for presenting literature and how it forms the rationale for a personal research project.
On completion of this unit, students will have developed the pre-requisite skills needed to design a proposal that either extends from their literature review or highlights a further potential area of research. Possessing the necessary skills for conducting quality personal research that leads to evidence-based practice, will enhance students’ academic skills, professionalism and employment opportunities within the health and social care sector.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit a student will be able to:
- Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in health and social care.
- Conduct a review of key literature relating to a research topic towards improvements in care practice.
- Develop a project proposal using evidence-based practice.
- Examine the value of the literature review process in influencing positive change in health, care or support service provision.
Essential Content
LO1 Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in health and social care
The principle, purposes and value for conducting research in health and social care practice:
How research develops, improves or identifies gaps in practice and/or provision
Value of research in developing cost-effective interventions and promoting health and wellbeing of individuals
Individuals and organisations involved in conducting research into health and social care practice
How research can develop or extend knowledge and understanding
How research can improve own and others’ professional development
The ways that research can inform other services to foster an integrated professional workforce
The types and areas of research undertaken in health and social care
The research process
Understanding the recursive and evolving nature of the research process
Understanding the steps taken when carrying out personal research
Selecting a personal research topic
Developing research aims and objectives, e.g. research questions and hypotheses
Conducting a literature review
Selecting methodology for data collection
Selecting sample for study
Ethical considerations: health and social care ethics – beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy and justice
Collecting primary data
Conducting data analysis
Drawing conclusions and organising research
The professional and personal skills required in order to conduct a literature review
LO2 Conduct a review of key literature relating to a research topic towards improvements in care practice
The literature review process:
The purpose of a literature review
Providing up-to-date information of research in the area
Identifying methods that can be used in any further research
Provides an understanding of similar findings, inconsistencies, areas not previously identified, possible further research ideas for evidence-based practice
Identifying topic for research in health, care or support service provision using the Practice Themes as a framework
Preliminary searches to determine feasibility of conducting an evidence-based project in chosen area
Conducting a literature review using internet, books, journals, reports, web sites and other sources
Primary and secondary sources
Methods used for searching internet, e.g. use of Boolean searches, key words, terms
Reading techniques used to assess appropriateness of literature, e.g., scanning, skimming
Assessing the validity and reliability of sources using tools e.g., source, appearance, method, timeliness, applicability, balance (SAMTAB) method
Making notes and evaluating sources of information for reliability and validity
Examining results of literature search and critically evaluating to provide a summary of current knowledge about the research topic
Presenting literature reviews using academic writing and use of Harvard referencing system
LO3 Develop a project proposal using evidence-based practice
Identifying principle methods to conduct research using evidence-based practice
Purpose of evidence-based practice: to use all current and available evidence, theoretical and practical, to provide robust answers to critical issues in health, care or support services
Ability of evidence-based practice to gain access to new ideas and thinking, find solutions, opportunities to develop practice, service provision, positive outcomes, integrated workforce
Primary research methods used for an evidence-based practice approach, e.g. questionnaires, interviews, observations
Elements of the process of developing the project proposal
Identifying suitable title and research questions using one of the Practice Themes Considering potential impact of research, using evidence-based-practice
Identifying potential participants or sample
Ethical considerations
Developing a timeline for research
Presenting potential evidence-based practice study to an audience
LO4 Examine the value of the literature review process in influencing positive change in health and social care practice
Impact of literature review on influencing innovation and improvement in health and social care
Effectiveness of literature review in identifying current research and thinking in areas of evidence-based health, care or support service practice and provision
How literature review can help to define research questions and methodologies
How literature review can be applied to different Practice Themes and prompt further research
How potential evidence-based practice research study may influence practice or provision in health, care or support services, e.g. quality of delivery
How potential evidence-based practice research study may impact on own future practice in contributing to effective service provision, to seek and influence change proactively within the health and social care sector
How findings from any research study can be used to encourage integrated care model, promote knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary working
Evaluate own contribution to research process
Evaluating own role in conducting a literature review
Recognising own contribution to research process and development of own skills and knowledge in terms of an evidence-based approach to practice
How evidence-based practice could affect own future career progression
How potential research study can support leadership and development of others to engage in evidence-based practice
Setting targets for developing own personal and professional development in terms of evidence-based practice
Identifying ways to develop personal and professional practice to be able to conceive innovation and improvement in evidence-based health, care or support service practice
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in health and social care.
D1 Evaluate the skills required to conduct ethical research to positively influence practice and provision in health, care and support services.
P1 Describe the purpose and process of conducting research in enabling evidence-based practice in health and social care.
P2 Explain the skills and qualities needed to conduct a literature review in health and social care.
M1 Analyse own current skills and knowledge in being able to conduct a literature review in health and social care towards evidence-based practice.
LO2 Conduct a review of key literature relating to a research topic towards improvements in care practice.
LO2 and LO3
D2 Critically assess the viability of own project proposal in relation to the literature review conducted.
P3 Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic.
P4 Explain results of literature search that summarises current knowledge about research topic.
M2 Evaluate the reliability and validity of own literature review.
LO3 Develop a project proposal using evidence-based practice.
P5 Explain the benefits of evidence-based practice as a method in carrying out research.
P6 Produce a project proposal for a proposed study based on research topic.
M3 Justify rationale for proposed research study based on research topic.
LO4 Examine the value of the literature review process in influencing positive change in health and social care practice.
D3 Evaluate own journey towards contributing to innovation and improvement in evidence-based health, care or support practice and service delivery.
P7 Describe different ways in which the literature review influences evidence-based health and social care practice.
P8 Explain how recent research has had a positive impact on current practice to improve service delivery.
M4 Analyse how the personal research process has an impact on own learning and practice in the workplace.
Indicative Reading
Bottomley, J., Pryjmachuk, S. (2018) Critical Thinking Skills for Your Nursing Degree. Critical Publishing: St Albans.
Chalkiadaki, A. (2018) ‘A Systematic Literature Review of 21st Century Skills and Competencies in Primary Education’, International Journal of Instruction, 11(3), pp.1–16.
Fook, J. (2022) Practicing Critical Reflection in Social Care Organisations. Routledge: Abingdon.
Heaslip, V., Lindsay, B. (2019) Research and Evidence-Based Practice: For Nursing, Health and Social Care Students. Lantern Publishing: Banbury.
Manalo, E. (2020) Deeper Learning, Dialogic Learning, and Critical Thinking: Research-based Strategies for the Classroom. Routledge: Milton.
Williams, K. (2022) Getting Critical. 3rd edn. Bloomsbury Academic: London.
British Medical Association (BMA)
Code of Ethics
(General reference)
British Psychological Society (BPS)
Code of Human Research Ethics
(General reference)
UK Government
Public Health Skills and Knowledge
Framework 2016
Nursing Times
A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing (Article)