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How relevant are early theoretical accounts on globalization such as Giddens (1990) to contemporary and emerging patterns of globalization?

Post Date: 01 - Feb - 2020

Essay 3500-4000- Essay titles are provided below please select ONE question from the nine below.

Essay Questions

1. What are the distinct features of globalization and critically consider to what extent they are ‘new’?

2. How relevant are early theoretical accounts on globalization such as Giddens (1990) to contemporary and emerging patterns of globalization?

3. What processes and conditions have led to the globalizing of the media?

4. With reference to work on globalization and the media, critically explore work that argues that the media are becomingglocalized’?

5. What role do digital technologies play in the mediation of diasporic communities, illustrate you answer with examples?

6. With reference to relevant theories of globalization, critically evaluate which aspects of the global economy create global inequalities and lead to the exclusion of certain countries from the global system.

7. How does consumption intersect with politics and to what extent can citizen-consumers modify the power relations of globalization? Discuss with reference to relevant theories.

8. Discuss the opportunities that digital technologies offer to new protest movements and activists that operate at a transnational scale. Discuss in relation to specific examples.

9. Explore the view that identity in the current globalized environment is no longer a given but something we increasingly question.


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