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Identify examples of metrics used to inform and measure L&D.

Post Date: 01 - Aug - 2023

Title of unit: Using information, metrics and developing business cases for LD

Learning outcomes:

1. Know how to scrutinise appropriate learning and development data.

2. Be able to conduct small-scale research in an area of LD to support a business case.

Assessment brief/activity

Activity 1:

Produce a written response in which you:

 Identify examples of metrics used to inform and measure LD. (AC 1.1)

 Evaluate a range of primary and secondary LD data sources. (AC 1.2)

Activity 2:

Undertake research in an area of LD and write a business report for stakeholders.

Within your report you should:

 Provide a short rationale for the area investigated. (AC 2.1)

 Explain how you collected and analysed the data, justifying the approach adopted. (AC 2.2,2.3)

 Draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the findings. (AC 2.4, 2.6)

 Summarise the limitations of your research. (AC 2.5)

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