Title of unit: Using information, metrics and developing business cases for LD
Learning outcomes:
1. Know how to scrutinise appropriate learning and development data.
2. Be able to conduct small-scale research in an area of LD to support a business case.
Assessment brief/activity
Activity 1:
Produce a written response in which you:
Identify examples of metrics used to inform and measure LD. (AC 1.1)
Evaluate a range of primary and secondary LD data sources. (AC 1.2)
Activity 2:
Undertake research in an area of LD and write a business report for stakeholders.
Within your report you should:
Provide a short rationale for the area investigated. (AC 2.1)
Explain how you collected and analysed the data, justifying the approach adopted. (AC 2.2,2.3)
Draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the findings. (AC 2.4, 2.6)
Summarise the limitations of your research. (AC 2.5)