Assignment 1-Ihrm
From either your textbook or your IHRM journal readings, you need to identify an IHRM topic that interests you.
For example, you may choose:
▪ the broad topic “staffing recruitment and selection” or a specific component of staffing recruitment and selection (e.g. types of assignments, expatriate failure, the role of expatriates and in patriates and so forth).
▪ the broad topic “cultural management research” or a specific researcher in Cultural management studies (e.g. Hofstede, Trompenaar, Schein, Hall etc.).
You should explore your chosen topic in-depth (i.e. not just a “Yes” or “No” answer)
Through the basic question:
- ‘How does this topic influence contemporary practice of IHRM?’
Therefore, you could construct your research essay questions as follows:
- IHRM must continuously reassess the nature of expatriate failure. Discuss.’
- IHRM’s recruitment and selection of expatriate employees is critical to a Multinational Corporation’s success. Discuss.’
- Cultural management research influences the contemporary practice of IHRM. Discuss’
- Hofstede`s cultural management research influences the contemporary Practice of IHRM. Discuss.`
Write an academic research essay responding to that question. This requires you to research your chosen topic and create a logical, evidence-based argument about it. For that reason, before you start, please ensure that there is enough relevant academic literature available in the library databases to discuss your chosen topic.
You must email your lecturer your chosen topic for approval before commencing your assignment.
This is a research essay requiring you to search academic journals only – not textbooks or non-academic internet sources. You should primarily search the academic journals listed on pages 8-9 of this Guide. If you feel it is appropriate, you may use other journals if you consider the journal content to be a relevant and quality source for your assignment.
A minimum of eight (8) journal reference sources will help you write a more
Complete paper, if all the sources are relevant. It is preferable that your journal
Sources are no older than 10 years and, definitely, no earlier than 2000.
Note: you are discouraged from including excessive numbers of citations that do
Not add critical significance to your discussion, as there is NO reward in the Marking process for quantity over quality.
Assessment criteria
Five criteria will be used (refer Blackboard for a fuller description of these criteria):
- Research (30%)
- Structure (10%)
- Argument (40%)
- Writing (10%)
- Referencing (10%)