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LO1 Explain the value of the role of information within an organisation and identify how it can be shared and used effectively

Post Date: 07 - Jul - 2023

Module Study Guide

Academic Year 2020-2021

BA4UK53O - Information Communication Technology (FT)

1. Module overview


We have introduced UWLFlex - our new, online, flexible learning platform.

UWLFlex has been designed to complement face-to-face learning and build on our reputation for excellence in teaching, learning and student support. We will be able to deliver a University experience that is more collaborative, active, and relevant for an increasingly digital world thus enabling us to provide you with an improved student experience. UWLFlex will provide you with an enhanced range of online tools, to help facilitate your learning whether this takes place primarily on site or online.

Module summary content and aims

Research has clearly shown that some employers will have specific computer programs and software that they will train new employees to use competently. However, there is a desire for a certain level of competency across a wide range of programs. For example, employers say that they want to see a good level of ability when it comes to using Microsoft packages, as well as spreadsheets, emails and social platforms.

This module will enable the students to develop an understanding of the importance of information to an organisation, and an awareness of the key issues concerning the use of IT in business. At the same time, the student will be given the opportunity to develop and improve their practical IT skills.

The aim of the module is to enable the students to work with business information, using appropriate technologies for analysis and communication, by providing a portfolio of skills and developing an analytical and conceptual understanding. This should also enable the students to appreciate the nature of business information from a user perspective.

This module will be run in IT rooms using various learning and teaching strategies, such as reflective learning, cooperative learning, inquiry-based instruction, differentiation, technology-based teaching, group discussions, peer assessment, etc.

LO1 Explain the value of the role of information within an organisation and identify how it can be shared and used effectively

The content of the module covers various IT applications such as MS Office (Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint). Also, it covers subjects related to principles of information communication; the nature of information, information flows, effective communication and dissemination of information; systems and information systems and systems and security issues. The session`s content will be available on the Blackboard under the learning materials.


Specific expectations students can have of tutors:

  • Pre-recorded lectures are provided at least one week in advance on the “Module Content” of BlackBoard
  • Please e-mail for an online/phone appointment outside of normal class times for mutually convenient times
  • Refer to MSG (and all assignment guides/case studies) on BB
  • Formative feedback on their assessments

Specific expectations tutors will have of students:

  • Attend all seminars and arrive at classes punctually.
  • Practise all the provided materials prior to seminars and prepare answers to questions as per instructions given.
  • Actively participate and engage in class activities.
  • Inform tutor via email when not able to attend any classes.
  • Appointments can be made at mutually convenient times. Please e-mail for an appointment outside of normal class times.
  • Communicate with tutors in a professional manner - Attempt all assessments by the submission deadline unless there are extenuating circumstances (please do contact your tutor and your Module Leader).
  • Behave professionally in classes and not cause any disruption that may affect other students’ learning.

It is important that you do at least 152 independent-study hours (referring to the Reading List) on related and relevant topics, which may not be necessarily covered during the lessons, but all will still be assessed.

Learning outcomes to be assessed

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • LO1 Explain the value of the role of information within an organisation and identify how it can be shared and used effectively
  • LO2 Appraise the handling of information in a business context, and identify key factors in matching information systems to user requirements.
  • LO3 Formulate ideas which could contribute towards generating a policy regarding IT issues, and recognise the need for on-going evaluation.
  • LO4 Communicate effectively in a business environment, selecting appropriate software for specific tasks and completing tasks to an acceptable business standard.
  • LO5 Improve office automation applications skills, using Microsoft Office.

Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours: 48 hours

Independent Study Hours: 152 hours

Total Learning Hours: 200 hours

2. Assessment and feedback

Summative assessment grid

Type of AssessmentWord Count or equivalentThreshold (if Professional Body-PSRB applies)WeightingPass MarkIndicative Submission weekMethod of Submission & Date of Feedback (refer to BB)
Presentation - online demonstration and reporting MS Word: Strictly no more than 250 words, 1-page report Exactly 4 paragraphs MS PowerPoint: 10-pages of slides MS Excel: 30 minutes of Viva/Demonstration N/A 50% 40% Week 7 or Week 7/8 (depending on student numbers) Report and slides to be submitted the midnight before the day of presentation/viva 15 working days from FINAL week of submissionSure!

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