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Know how HR data should be recorded, managed and stored

Post Date: 01 - Dec - 2019

CIPD Assessment Activity Template

Title of unit/s

Recording, Analysing and Using Human Resources Information

Unit No/s




Credit value


Assessment method


1.    Investigation and use of data.

2.    Written report with data.

Expiry Date

September 2020


Learning outcomes:

  1. Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices.
  2. Know how HR data should be recorded, managed and stored.

3.    Be able to analyse HR information and present findings to inform decision-making.

Assessment Brief

Your management team is considering a restructuring of the organisation to meet new business demands and trends for the future. Different skills set and redeployment of resources will be needed. You have been asked to produce a report to outline ways in which data might assist the team to re-organise the workforce.

Activity 1

Using the data attached on the outcomes of a recent staff survey*, which indicates the level of job satisfaction and motivation, analyse the data and present it visually using three different formats with an explanatory note on what the data shows.

*Candidates may choose to use data on the outcomes of a recent staff survey from their own organisation and as agreed with their centre.

Activity 2

Compile a written report of approximately 1000 words for your management team setting out the following:

a)    Set out briefly the different ways in which an organisation might collect and record HR data and give two reasons why it is necessary for any organisation to do this. Give a short explanation of how different types of organisational data collected can support HR practice and the management team when restructuring the organisation and redeploying personnel.

b)    Describe the systems used for recording the data from two of the types of data identified in a) above and describe two methods of data storage. What are the benefits of using these storage systems?

c)    Explain two legal requirements that any organisation must take into account when recording, storing and accessing HR data.

d)    Set out your analysis and explanations of the employee engagement survey data. From your analysis develop three possible recommendations, explaining why you feel these would help your management team when restructuring the organisation.


Assessment Criteria









3.1, 3.2











1.1, 1.2













3.1, 3.2

Evidence to be produced

To achieve a Pass, students should provide evidence of their data analysis (approximately 500 words) and a written report (approximately 1000 words) which reflects the guidance given below.

Guidance for assessors

This guidance is for assessors only and should not be handed out to students


This activity is about analysing data.  The data can be from within the candidate’s organisation, or as provided as part of this assessment brief.

Candidates should provide a written report, and some analysis of the datasets that they have used.  If the dataset is included in an appendix this should not count towards the word count.  However, any appendices must of course be linked or referred to in some way in the main report.

The staff survey results might indicate that the restructuring will be seen as positive or negative and therefore be easier or harder or the management team to implement. Suggestions for enhanced communication systems, meaningful consultation and selling the benefits of different roles and responsibilities might enable staff satisfaction rates to increase and reduce opposition to any restructuring proposal.

It is important that candidates are assessed in direct accordance with the brief – explain is more than describe; analysis is an investigation or examination of data; interpretation is an explanation of what the data means and drawing some conclusions.

At level 3 Foundation you should not expect referencing to be undertaken or a bibliography/reference list compiled but if material is used by the candidate from a specific source – text book, course handout, website, company database – you should expect the source to be indicated. Where referencing is used the candidate should be praised for this and be encouraged to continue doing so as practice for Intermediate level study.

1.1, 1.2

The candidates’ analysis of data should enable them to show their understanding of what data needs to be collected to support HR practices, in this case specifically in relation to restructuring of an organisation and redeployment of staff. 


Responses should reflect their knowledge of different systems for recording (computerised systems, online/cloud, manual system) and showing HR data (the use of visual charts/graphs etc. within the report). Students should identify the advantages and disadvantages of the examples identified.


The legal context must be explained within the report and at least two areas of legislation covered – principles of the Data Protection Act, and General Data Protection Regulations (2018), Freedom of Information Act (how this affects confidentiality/privacy of personal data), the Equality Act 2010 (how data might show potential or actual direct or indirect discrimination on one or more of the personal characteristics).  The student should try to benchmark their organisation’s practices against these requirements and identify any gaps.


The findings from the analysis from Activity 1 must be used within the written report for Activity 2 in the form of visual representations of data (you should expect at least 3 different forms of presenting the data collected – graph, chart, diagram) and a clear explanation of what each illustrates.


Lastly the candidate must be able to develop three recommendations from the conclusions drawn to the given scenario and explain how these would help the management team to restructure and redeploy staff.

Employee Engagement Survey Data (Source CIPD, January 2017)

Oldbridge District Council provides a range of local government services to a predominantly rural population of 75,000 people living in a market town and surrounding villages.

Like all local government bodies, Oldbridge has had to make very substantial savings in recent years.  Pay rises have been restricted to 1% for some years now, while restrictions on recruitment have been in operation.  

The HR Officer decided it was time to carry out a staff survey in order to establish levels of satisfaction and engagement among staff.  A confidential questionnaire was designed and 75% of staff responded.  Results were as follows:

  • 65% state that they look forward to going to work in the morning
  • 62% state that they find their work to be rewarding, 13% enjoyed it greatly
  • 42% say that they were satisfied with the variety of work that they are required to do
  • 80% state that they feel valued and supported by their work colleagues, 55% by their line manager, but only 20% by senior managers
  • 70% are satisfied with the level of responsibility they carry
  • 21% state that they are satisfied with their pay and benefits, but no-one says they are `very satisfied` with these
  • 55% state that they are happy with their work life balance
  • 90% state that their jobs have become increasingly stressful in recent years
  • 33% are satisfied with the training and development opportunities
  • 83% say that their workload has increased in the past year.
  • 70% are satisfied with their promotion opportunities
  • 15% say that change is managed well by the council
  • 90% say that they `sometimes feel stressed`
  • 28% say that they are listened to at work
  • 36% say that they are happy with their job security
  • 27% say that they feel their efforts at work are properly recognised
  • 54% state that they are actively seeking alternative employment

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