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Know their employment rights and responsibilities under the law

Post Date: 15 - Aug - 2023

Unit 5: Understanding Employment Rights and Responsibilities

Unit reference number:J/600/0840
QCF level:2
Credit value:2
Guided learning hours:15

Unit summary

This unit covers the knowledge and understanding that employees require concerning:

  1. employment law and industry specific legislation that apply to their jobs
  2. key documents relating to their employment
  3. employment procedures they should follow at work.

Assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Learning outcomes 1-3

Knowledge understanding assessment involving one or a mixture of:

  • questioning
  • projects
  • assignments.

Assessment methodology

This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.

Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


1.                            Know their employment rights and responsibilities under the law

describe their rights and responsibilities in terms of:

contracts of employment

anti-discrimination legislation

working hours and holiday entitlements

sickness absence and sick pay

data protection

health and safety

outline the rights and responsibilities of the employer

describe the health and safety legal requirements relevant to their organisation

outline the implications of health and safety legal requirements for their own job role




2.            Understand documents relevant to their employment

explain the main terms and conditions of a contract of employment

outline the contents and purpose of a job description

describe the types of information held on personnel records

describe how to update information held on personnel records

interpret the information shown on a pay slip or other statement of earnings





Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


3.                            Know key employment procedures at work

describe the procedures to follow if someone needs to take time off

describe the procedures to follow if there is a grievance

describe the procedures to follow if there is evidence of discrimination or bullying

identify sources of information and advice on employment issues:

internal to their organisation

external to their organisation




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