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LO1: Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures

Post Date: 13 - Dec - 2023

Higher National Diploma in Business Management


Unit 14:      Working With and Leading People

Outcome 1:            Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures

Outcome 2:            Understand the styles and impact of leadership

Outcome 3:            Be able to work effectively in a team

Outcome 4:            Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals


Emirates Airline (EK) is a leading air transport company in the aviation industry. 

Task 1 – ROLE PLAY+ DOCUMENTS + Presentation

DATE – to be decided during class sessions

You are the Assistant Recruitment Manager at EK and have been given the responsibility to identify and short list candidates for one of the following vacant positions: cabin crew, pilot, or flight dispatcher. For this, you need to complete the following:

LO1: Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures

1.1 - Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff.

1.2 – Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process.

1.3 – Take part in the selection process.

1.4 – Evaluate own contribution to the selection process

To achieve a Merit and Distinction, you need to:

M1 - Demonstrate that an effective approach has been used while preparing the documentation for 1.1 and 1.2 (This requires a short report on how you researched information for the vacant position and how it helped in completing the required documentation (1.1 and 1.2).

M2 – Use a range of sources of information and reference the sources using the Harvard Referencing system in your briefing paper.

M3 –Your briefing report must communicate the required legislation, regulations and ethical considerations to be used in the recruitment and selection process. Information must be presented in a coherent and logical format.

D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate your own work and justify valid a conclusion (1.4) (this is short report)

D2 - Complete all the tasks in this assignment and manage all the activities within the given time restrictions.

D3 - Write a detailed evaluation of your own contribution to the selection process.

Guidelines for Role-play

1.1 Analyze the vacant position and prepare the following documentation.

  • Job description
  • Person specification
  • Advertisement for vacancy
  • Potential questions to be asked

1.2 Prepare a briefing paper (1000-1500 words) which outlines the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations with respect to the recruitment and selection process. This paper will serve as a guideline for the recruiter and will have an impact on his/her recruitment and selection decisions.

1.3 You will need to participate in a role play where the interviewer interviews a new candidate as part of a panel (which consists of 2-3 people) for the position chosen by you atEK.

  • You will be assessed on your role as the interviewee or as a member of the panel only.
  • Each interview should be approximately 10 minutes.
  • On the day of the interview, bring along a copy of the Job Description, Person Specification and Job Advertisement  you have prepared for 1.1
  • You will also need to submit the list of potential questions that you intend to ask and an individual written evaluation of the candidate / interview.

1.4 Prepare a short report (max:  400 words) on your own contribution to the selection process. This should include information on how you short listed candidates and the criteria used to do so (members of the selection panel) and your own preparation for the selection interview (interviewee).


Once the new staff member joins EK, you and three other colleagues have been asked by your line manager to give the entire team a presentation about the benefits of working in a team and the resolution of conflict, and the effectiveness of working in a team:

LO3: Be able to work effectively in a team

3.1 - Assess the benefits of teamworking for an organization

3.2 - Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

3.3 - Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

To achieve a Merit and Distinction, you need to:

M1 – Use an effective approach to study and research an example of an organization who have successfully worked as a team.

M2 – Provide evidence of a range of sources of information used and reference them.

M3 - Use an appropriate structure and approach to making group presentations.

D1 – When you have reviewed the effectiveness of team work in your organization, show evidence of how you have synthesized your ideas and examples in order to draw conclusions.

D2 - Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities (presentation)

D3 – When providing evidence for 3.2, “dealing with conflict or difficult situations, explain how problems were solved using convergent and lateral thinking.

Guidelines for Presentation

3.1 – Evaluate and judge the benefits of team working

You must review the following topics: flexible working practices; team building suggested by Tuckman; structures and interactions for example Belbins team role theory, Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model; the politics of working relationships, diversity issues, working cultures and practices and the promotion of anti-discriminatory practices and behaviours. The use of teams for conflict resolution, delegation, empowerment, coaching, support and mentoring, training supervision and evaluation

3.2 – Describe a real situation and give examples of your work in a team as a leader and team member. You must be able to explain the purpose of a team and its specific goals and explain how you would deal with any conflicts or difficult situations that arose.

3.3 – For the example covered in 3.2, review the effectiveness of the team and discuss whether it achieved the goals or not. Include training, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of team members.


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