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MAR210 the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

Post Date: 09 - Aug - 2023

MAR210 Coursework

MODULE TITLE:         Maritime Management and Markets

MODULE CODE:         MAR210


  • This assessment accounts for 70% of the total marks available for the module.
  • All assignments must comply with the format and submission instructions below.
  • Your coursework is also checked up for its structure and the use of references. You are advised NOT to use non-academic, non-industrial sources (lecture notes, wikipedia, blogs, etc.)
  • Only use Harvard referencing style.
  • Submission type: e-submission via the DLE


In the past few years, a number of regulations have been adopted and come into force in the maritime industry. These regulations include

  • the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)
  • regulations on energy efficiency for ships (in MARPOL Annex VI)1

Drawing on the human resource management literature, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, and the maritime related literature2, critically discuss how shipping companies can implement the MLC to achieve human resource outcomes3 and implement both regulations to fulfil their corporate social responsibilities.

Mark breakdown


Suggested Content

Max Marks


Introduce the background and aim of this essay



Drawing upon the literature, critically discuss how shipping companies can implement the MLC to achieve human resource outcomes 4 and implement both regulations to fulfil their corporate social responsibilities.


(40 marks for MLC related discussion; 40 marks for energy efficiency related discussion)


Draw original conclusion from the discussion



Good  presentation  and  writing  style  and  quality  of references and accuracy of Harvard style of referencing



Word limit (excluding tables, content pages, lists of references and bibliography, and appendices if any): 2,800 (+/-10%) words.

Your assessment must be word-processed in the following format:

  • Font: 12 point Arial
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • This is an individual submission
  • The writing style is academic essay


Academic offences, including plagiarism, are treated very seriously in the Faculty. You may place your degree and even career in jeopardy if proven to have committed an academic offence. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure that you understand what constitutes an academic offence, and in particular, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. If you do not understand what constitutes an academic offence, please consult the Faculty Support Office, your personal tutor, or your programme manager.


100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions