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Module: Information System Management (COMP 1006)

Post Date: 02 - Jan - 2024

Information System Management (COMP 1006) – Fall – 19 –CW2 (Case Study)-All – QP

In Semester Case Study and Presentation

Module: Information System Management (COMP 1006)

Level: 2 Max. Marks: 100

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Formulate the business rationale for an information system.
  2. Explain how organizations’ can be managed better by intelligent use of information systems.
  3. Understanding information system security and reliability of the organization.

Instructions to student:

  • You can make use of the library resources to find information
  • Internet resources can also be used to search for information
  • Present the relevant references/citation at the end of the document
  • Marks will be awarded for the content written in your own words
  • If two or more documents contain duplicate information, marks will be deducted

You are given 5 case studies. You are required to work on the case study as a team of three members and work by dividing the tasks. Each case study has 5 questions, each one carries 15 marks. For more information about marks, please refer to the marking grid at the end.



  1. Current business process management methodologies rarely give importance to security issues in business process management. Due to increase in business integration and legal requirements, companies must find out the ways to make their business processes secure. Identify the guidelines which can be used to secure business processes for multinational companies.
  2. The business process management not only ensures efficiency in any organization but also increase profit and growth. Identify how business process management can improve the efficiency of business organizations in terms of growth and profit.
  3. Describe how information systems can be utilized to enhance the external environment in any business process to effect long-term strategic goals of business organizations.
  4. New challenges arise in business organizations due to changing goals. Therefore, they have to adapt to new processes to get the competitive edge over their competitors. Describe the typical steps taken for organizations to introduce new processes. Discuss your answer with reference to AmerisourceBergen and Diebold.
  5. Identify the steps required to change from one business process to another one. Discuss your answer with reference to AmerisourceBergen and Diebold. Support your answer with valid points.

2. Cisco Systems, Black & Decker, and O’Reilly Auto Parts: Adapting Supply Chains to Tough Times


  1. The supply chain management consists of all activities undertaken to finish a quality product on time to provide to the customer. Identify the guidelines which can be used by business organizations to achieve favorable levels of supply chains.
  2. The multinational companies invest to achieve their strategic goals. In an era of economic downturn, do you think the business organizations should keep on investing in their IT infrastructure so that they can get optimum levels of sales, customer service etc. Support your answer with few real examples where information system might have played a pivotal role in this regard.
  3. Describe different approaches for inventory management taken by business organizations these days. Your answer must cover at least two most popular approaches. Compare both of them and identify which one you will prefer and why. Support your answer with real life examples from industry.
  4. The political unrest, civil war, natural disaster etc. can damage supply lines for multinational companies which will result in loss of growth, jobs, higher demand etc. Describe the guidelines which can be used by Cisco Systems, Starbucks Coffee etc. to maintain their optimum levels of supply chains.
  5. Describe the role of supply chain management professionals, Explain how hey can prioritize, plan and organize their responsibilities under pressure and deal with competitive customers who demands quick and speedy solution in global business environment.

3. Brain Saving Technologies, Inc. and the T-Health Institute: Medicine through Videoconferencing.


  1. The videoconferencing can be used for telemedicine where a doctor can diagnose a patient who could be in thousands of miles away. Describe how videoconferencing can be used to control epidemics in developing countries. Support your answer with real life examples.
  2. Identify the other areas of life where business organizations can use videoconferencing to derive business value. Support your answer with real life examples.
  3. Videoconferencing is a great tool where executives around the world can have face-to-face meetings to share sensitive knowledge, information, data etc. Therefore, it becomes prime responsibility of information managers to ensure security to videoconferencing. Identify the methods which can be used to secure videoconferencing. Support your answer with reference to the most widely used standards used by financial organizations, hospitals etc. to secure electronic data related to the patients and customers.
  4. By deploying videoconferencing in health sector, number of specialists can be increased in institutions which serve thousands of patients. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Support your answer with valid points.
  5. Despite having great benefits, the adoption of technology in health sector is still very slow. Identify the reasons behind slow adoption. Support your answer with real life examples.



  1. Identify how an information can be used to detect shopping patterns of customers. Discuss your answers in terms of sales growth, increased productivity and price reduction for those customers. Illustrate your answer with real life examples.
  2. Explain the possible features which must be known by information system managers in detail to build and utilize information systems in Starbucks, HauteLook and ShopItToMe . Explain your answer in terms of information systems’ impact on such organizations.
  3. The information systems are used to achieve competitive edge over rival companies. Identify the ways HauteLook, Starbucks and ShopItToMe can get competitive advantage over competitors by utilizing information system. Explain your answer with examples.
  4. When deployed, the information systems present strategic challenges for business organizations. Identify and illustrate such challenges which information system managers may face in every day operations in business organizations. Your answer should also cover solution to such problems.
  5. Information systems are mandatory for organizations because they can bring changes in their strategic goals. On the other hand, organizations resist against information system introduction. As a student, identify the reasons why organizations resist whenever information systems are introduced. Illustrate your answer with examples.

5. Dow Corning and DirecTV: CRM Goes Mobile


  1. Explain the possible advantages of mobile CRM for salespersons working in multinational companies. Discuss your answer in terms of sales growth, efficiency, customer service etc.
  2. The salespersons like to work independently. Their main focus is efficient time management. That’s why they are not always ready to take up new technologies recommended by the higher management. On the basis of the  case study, identify how the salespersons can be motivated to take up new technologies.
  3. Most of the executives support use mobile CRM platform. According to them it’s a source of competitive edge against competitors. Do you agree with statement or not? Explain the answer with examples where CRM platform really provided competitive edge for some business enterprises.
  4. The CRM is beneficial for marketing professionals as they can achieve marketing targets by automated scheduling, targeted marketing, tracking marketing mailings etc. As an information system student, identify what may be the possible benefits for marketing professionals. Explain your answer in detail with examples.
  5. The implementation of CRM provides great benefits for business organizations as they can identify their best customers which can be possessed for a longer time to get more profitable services. On the other hand, the CRM does not guarantee business benefits. More than 50 percent CRM projects did not produce desired results for companies. As information students, identify the possible reasons behind the failures of CRM projects. Explain your answer with examples.


The report should have 5000-6000 words approximately. Each answer should have 1000-2000 words

The document should be well presented and neatly done

Assignment should be computer typed using Calibri 12 font and the soft copy should be submitted through Moodle, duly checked by Turnitin to check  the  similarity  of  work. Please note the time mentioned above and also go through the Middle East College plagiarism policy given below.

  • The report must have a Title Page, table of contents (optional), reference/bibliography and
  • page number. Every page must have header & footer.
  • Proper Harvard style references should be used.
  • References  should  be  from  research  papers,  white papers, articles and from other related case studies.
  • Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, and Underline.
  • You are welcome to discuss about the assignment with the lecturer in his/her office

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