Reflection Paper (worth 5%)
COMM 1007 (College English)
Learning is not something that happens to us; learning is an inside job. Learning new knowledge and skills requires learners to:
- Critically assess our own skills
- Reflectively question our beliefs, conclusions, and thinking process
- Set goals and develop strategies
- Exert effort over the attainment of our goals
It is only when we engage in this kind of self-reflection that we can improve our skills, become motivated, and persevere through failure, distractions, and challenges.
Practicing self-reflection will help us to improve our reading, writing, research, and critical thinking skills, including:
Þ Course Outcome 1 – Analyzing sources:
- Outlining the structure (main idea and supporting points) in a work
- Assessing the use of logos, pathos, ethos in a work
- Assessing bias in a work
- Differentiating valid and invalid evidence
Þ Course Outcome 2 – Researching sources:
- Selecting and organizing research materials based on relevance
- Documenting sources in APA Style
- Evaluating sources/ evidence
Þ Course Outcome 3 – Producing organized, unified, coherent work:
- Developing organized, unified and coherent arguments
- Applying correct grammar and mechanics
- Using accurate and audience-appropriate diction (word choice)
- Applying prewriting and revision strategies to ensure unified, coherent work with correct grammar, mechanics, and diction
Þ Course Outcome 4 – Creating informative, persuasive texts with evidence:
- Differentiating summarizing, paraphrasing, and direct quotations
- Formulating a thesis/ main message
- Acknowledging personal biases and assumptions in order to reduce impact on communication
- Selecting appropriate and compelling evidence
- Interpreting information to support thesis/ main message
- Incorporating rhetorical strategies (logos, pathos, ethos) to appeal to audience
Reflect on your Summary Paragraph (7.5%) and Analysis Paragraph (7.5%) assignments, and answer the following self-reflection questions (150-200 words each):
- Assess your two works: What course outcomes (see p. 1 or course syllabus) did you successfully demonstrate in your Summary and/ or Analysis Paragraph? What course outcomes need to be further strengthened? Explain your self-evaluation in detail.
In other words, comment on your focus/ organization, analysis/ development, style, grammar/ mechanics, and APA referencing skills. What are your strengths and what areas need improvement?
To evaluate yourself, use the assignment rubrics and the Revision Checklists provided in class. Both items connect directly to the course outcomes. You can also use the teacher’s feedback on the assignments as pointers.
Reflect on the process of producing these two assignments. What goals have you set so far in the Improvement Log and how did you meet some of these goals in one or both of these assignments?
In other words, identify specific reading, writing, research, and critical thinking goals that you’ve set. Explain to what extent one or both of these works reflect your improvement of specific skills/ goals.
If you see yourself making improvements, what strategies have you used?
If you do not feel you’ve attained your goals, what do you see yourself doing differently next time in a similar assignment so that you can achieve your goals?
The Reflection Paper:
- Is written in formal tone (no slang, colloquialism)
- Is approximately 300-400 words in total (150-200 words/ question)
- Includes the use of “I”
- Critically engages with your own works and your learning process
- Makes specific references to your works, course material, course outcomes, goals, etc.
as a soft copy (uploaded on
Blackboard as Word document – please use the document provided)
Student Name:
Reflection Paper Rubric
Focus & Organization
- Self-reflection responses directly
answer the questions (on-topic)
- Reflection is clear, focused, and specific
- Responses are logically organized and
- Length falls between 300-400 words in total.
- Student clearly identifies aspects of their work to analyze, assess, and reflect on.
- Student’s self-assessment (of their work’s focus/ organization, analysis, style, grammar/ mechanics, APA referencing, etc.) is critically and logically explained and unpacked through analysis/ evaluation that is thoughtful and fully detailed
- Student’s self-assessment examines their work with specific references to course outcomes, revision checklists, rubrics, feedback, etc.
- Reflection demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of effective communication skills, rhetorical strategies, and revision strategies, and their importance.
- Writing is clear, accurate, concise, and
- Transitions are effectively used to connect ideas.
- Language is specific, and tone is audience-appropriate.
- Quotations and paraphrases from own work (if used) are effectively and seamlessly integrated.
- Sentences are clear, varied, and engaging.
- Free of grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors.