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‘Political events over the last two years suggest a growing anti-globalisation sentiment.’ Using appropriate frameworks, models and real-world examples critically discuss the implications of this statement for multinational enterprises

Post Date: 01 - Feb - 2020

Essay Questions and Outline Answers 

Please choose one to do

1.     ‘Political events over the last two years suggest a growing anti-globalisation sentiment.’  Using appropriate frameworks, models and real-world examples critically discuss the implications of this statement for multinational enterprises. 

2.     What benefits are companies hoping to gain by internationalising their operations? Discuss using examples.

3.     ‘A company’s approach to corporate governance will be a reflection of the needs of its key stakeholders.’  Discuss how a company’s approach to corporate governance could be advantageous or disadvantageous to specific stakeholder groups.  Use specific ‘real-world’ examples.

4.     Under what circumstances could agency costs occur in a company?  What actions can the Board of Directors take to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence?  Discuss using appropriate examples

5.     "Political models reflect the view that organisations are made up of groups with separate interests, goals and values and that these affect how corporates respond to change."

Critically discuss this statement, using relevant analytical frameworks and real-world examples.

6a.Is `Corporate Tax Planning` to avoid paying taxes morally justified? (50% Marks)

6b.What are tax havens and can these locations be effectively exploited by multinational enterprises (MNEs)? (50% Marks)

7. `Corporate social responsibility is concerned with the ways in which an organisation exceeds its minimum obligations to stakeholders, specified through regulation.`

Discuss this definition using established frameworks and a case study of your choice.

8. Critically discuss the way in which BP handled their initial and on-going crisis in the explosion of the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and subsequent oil spill on 20th April 2010 (also known as The Deepwater Horizon oil spill).

Outline how you would have managed the crisis differently.

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