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Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis. PowerPoint Presentation with Speaker Notes

Post Date: 22 - Dec - 2023

London School of Science and Technology

Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National

Diploma in Business

Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project

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Welcome to the Managing a Successful Business Project (Unit 6), assessment paper for January 2017. Task 1 to 4 must be addressed fully including all the ACs, to achieve a pass grade.

The assignment consists of Four Tasks.

LO1: Project Proposal

LO2: Conducting a Research Project LO3: PowerPoint Presentation

LO4: Writing a Critical Reflection

Note: P- Pass, M - Merit, D - Distinction

Four merits and two distinctions questions are required respectively to achieve a higher grade. (i.e., M1, M2, M3 and M4 & D1 and D2), these questions must be answered satisfactorily.

Research Question

The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Marketing Department within John Lewis to Promote Profitability and the Financial sustainability


The aim of this unit is to offer students an opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for planning, managing and implementing a project. They will undertake independent research and investigation for carrying out and executing a business project which meets appropriate business aims and objectives. On successful completion of this unit students will have the confidence to engage in decision-making, problem-solving and research activities using project management skills. They will have the fundamental knowledge and skills to enable them to investigate and examine relevant business concepts within a work-related context, determine appropriate outcomes, decisions or solutions and present evidence to various stakeholders in an acceptable and understandable format.

Executive Summary

Waitrose is owned by the John Lewis Partnership, which comprises 88,900 Partners. The founders’ vision was establishing a successful business powered by its people and based on strong business principles which define the unique current company standing. The company has had a successful operation of over 20 years which started with long-term relationships that it created with farmers and suppliers aimed at championing British produce, supporting responsible sourcing, treating people fairly and treading lightly on the environment (which is known as the Waitrose Way).

16 years ago, in 2001, the company introduced a Corporate Social Responsibility Programme which is part of the John Lewis Partnership overall strategy, that has three objectives and will be implemented in the next 11 years until the company’s 100th anniversary in 2028. The three objectives are “Stronger brands and new growth”, “Better jobs, better performing Partners, better pay” and “Financial sustainability”

Scenario 1

As part of the final year of your Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business, you have recently been taken on a Work Experience contract by Waitrose. During the Work Experience period of three months that you will be attached to Waitrose, the Sales Manager has assigned you the task of conducting a small-scale project aimed at assessing the impact of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, particularly from a marketing perspective as it relates to the company’s stakeholders, customers. An important part of your task is, based on your research findings, to advise the senior management on ways and means of relying on the Corporate Social Responsibility Programme to sustain its business operations while at the same time achieving and consistently improving its competitive advantage.

Your supervisor, the Sales Manager has asked you to initiate your research project by developing a ‘Project Management Plan’ by identifying one main aim you want to achieve, accompanied by at least three specific objectives that your project will focus on.

LO1- Project Proposal

This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO1: – P1, P2, P3 and M1

LO1: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen scenario.

P1: Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario within John Lewis

P2: Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, time, quality, communication, risk and resources in the context of CSR at Waitrose.

P3: Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion for the proposed project management plan.

M1: Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project of CSR at Waitrose.

Scenario 2

Once the aim and the supporting objectives, which set the parameters of your research, are in place, the next step your supervisor wants you to embark on is to conduct a small-scale research aimed at measuring the impact, success or effect of the Waitrose’s Corporate Social Responsibility Programme.

LO2- Conducting a Research Project

This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO2: – P4, M2 and D1

P4: Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.

M2: Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied in this research.

D1: Critically evaluate the Project Management process and appropriate research methodologies applied based on LO1 and LO2

LO3- Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis. PowerPoint Presentation with Speaker Notes

This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO3: – P5, P6 and M3

Scenario 3

Now that you have completed the Project, you are now required to present your findings and recommendations to the management of Waitrose.

P5: Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques.

P6: Communicate appropriate recommendations because of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions.

M3: Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to support and justify recommendations given in P6.

LO4- Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance

This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO4: – P7, M4 and D2

Scenario 4

At this stage, you have completed your project research and presented to senior management of Waitrose. All that is left for you to do is to look back and reflect on your experience during and after the project and evaluate your success or lack of it. Reflection also requires you to identify lessons learnt, what went well and what could be improved.

P7: Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and performance in this research.

M4: Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.

D2: Critically evaluate and reflect on the project outcomes, the decision-making process and changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support justification of recommendations and learning during the project based on LO3 and LO4



  1. Costley, C., Elliot, G. and Gibbs, P. (2010) Doing Work Based Research:
  2. Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-researchers. London: SAGE.
  3. Flick, U. (2011) Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing a Research Project. London: SAGE.
  4. Gray, D. (2009) Doing Research in the Real World. 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
  5. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2012) Research Methods for Business Students. 6th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.


  1. International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research.
  2. Qualitative Research Journal.





This unit links to the following related units:

  1. Unit 8: Innovation and Commercialisation
  2. Unit 11: Research Project
  3. Unit 16: Operations and Project Management

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