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SLO1: Develop strategies to analyse and reflect upon human relations issues in contemporary work environments

Post Date: 09 - Aug - 2023


Aligned course & subject learning outcomes

• SLO1: Develop strategies to analyse and reflect upon human relations issues in contemporary work environments

• SLO2: Integrate interpersonal skills and develop a clearer understanding of relevant issues

• SLO3: Employ critical analysis of key ‘work’ issues in the new economy such as global integration, workplace diversity, and the impact of technology

• SLO4: Enable participants to explore and appreciate the impact of these issues on their own individual career management strategies.


During this subject, you will be required to develop a poster on a topic relating to this presentation.

Weighting / Length 25%


For this assessment you may choose from one of several case studies provided by the Lecturer or you may choose your own case study. In the case of the latter, you must seek the lecturer’s approval on the case study before proceeding to prepare. Case studies should be related to one of the subject’s topics THAT HAVE BEEN COVERED IN WEEKS 1 TO 6 (INCLUSIVE). For example, a reasonable case study may be a large international business (e.g. Accor Hotels) or it may be a medium-large sized business (e.g. SeaSwift) or it may be a small medium sized business (e.g. Jenkins Rubber) and as the concept you may choose ‘communication’ or ‘motivation’ or ‘values’, as examples of the subject’s topics.

For internal students - No two individuals may do a poster on the same case study or the same topic areas.

As part of the poster process each individual is required to submit:

- a copy of the case or a link to the company’s website

500 words summary of the case study, including an analysis of how the case study relates to the topic.

The 500 words summary of the case study analysis should be submitted on safe assignment. A total of 5% penalty will be deducted from the final poster mark if these items are not submitted on time.


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