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To identify appropriate classroom strategies to develop learning and teaching which are informed through educational research and scholarship

Post Date: 07 - Dec - 2019

Module Title:

Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector: reflective practice, classroom craft and planning. (PG)

Module Code: PC6100

Level: 6

Credit: 15

ECTS credit: 7.5

Module Leader:


Pre-requisite: none

Pre-cursor: none

Co-requisite: none

Excluded combinations : none

Main aim(s) of the module:

  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the role of reflective practice in teacher learning;
  • To develop an awareness of the role of planning in successful learning and teaching practice;
  • To develop an awareness of the role of assessment and feedback in learning;
  • To identify appropriate classroom strategies to develop learning and teaching which are informed through educational research and scholarship. 

Main topics of study: 

What is teaching? What is learning? Learning in affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains

Introduction to reflective practice

Relationship between planning, teaching, learning and assessment

Lesson planning; aims, learning objectives and an introduction to schemes of work

Differentiation in lesson planning to meet individual needs

Teaching techniques: Q and A, exposition, small group and pair work, case studies, role play, workshop contexts, demonstration, individual tutorial

Learning resources: how to select, develop and use resources which enhance learning, including use of ICT and the internet

Classroom management: health and safety and other legal responsibilities, managing groups, managing challenging behaviour, motivating learners, group dynamics and communication; promoting an inclusive learning environment 

At the end of this module, students will be able to: 


1. Identify and review the principles of planning teaching and learning, assessment and feedback

2. Understand the legal responsibilities of the teacher/trainer

3. Identify issues of equality and diversity and ways to promote inclusion

Thinking skills

4.    Critically reflect on the nature of effective teaching and learning 

5 Devise aims and learning objectives appropriate to particular sessions demonstrating critical engagement with theories of pedagogy.

Subject based practical skills

6. Synthesise evidence and reading to produce well-structured written lesson plans in a format appropriate to their subject/vocational area, paying regard to existing schemes of work, and to functional skills

7. Select, use and evaluate appropriate teaching strategies.

8. Produce assessment and feedback activities which check learning during a teaching session.

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