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Understand continuing professional development and its importance in active leisure

Post Date: 15 - Aug - 2023

Unit 6:Continuing professional development in active leisure

Unit reference number:J/503/0782
QCF level:3
Credit value:2
Guided learning hours:8

Unit summary

This unit covers the knowledge, understanding and skills that a learner needs in relation to continuing professional development in an active leisure context. The unit includes self-evaluation and taking part in performance appraisal and professional development processes.

Assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Learning outcomes 1-2

Knowledge understanding assessment involving one or a mixture of:

  • written questions and answers
  • projects
  • assignments
  • discussions with learner.

Learning outcome 3

Examining written products of the learner’s work which must include evidence of self-evaluation and a personal development plan.

Assessment methodology

This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.

Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


1.            Understand continuing professional development and its importance in active leisure

·Explain the term ‘continuing professional development’

·Explain why it is important for staff in the active leisure sector to continue to develop their knowledge and skills

·Describe an active leisure organisation’s systems to ensure the development of its staff




2.            Understand how to take part in continuing professional development

·Explain how an active leisure member of staff can reflect on their own work and ways of improving what they do

·Explain other ways in which an active leisure member of staff can evaluate their own work

·Explain how to plan own professional development

·Explain the contribution that an active leisure organisation’s performance appraisal and development can make to own professional development

·Identify own preferred learning style

·Evaluate different types of learning that can contribute to own development and suit own preferred learning style





Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Evidence type

Portfolio reference


3.            Be able to take part in continuing professional development

·Evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in a role, using evidence of own performance

·Analyse feedback from colleagues, team members and managers on own performance

·Evaluate priority areas for own improvement

·Develop plans for own continuing professional development

·Take part in learning and development activities as part of own personal development plan

·Review and update own professional development plan




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