Unit 13: Understanding how to deliver objectives through the work of an active leisure team
Unit reference number:A/503/0777
QCF level:3
Credit value:2
Guided learning hours:10
Unit summary
This unit covers the knowledge and understanding that a learner needs in relation to planning, allocating and monitoring the work of a team and to provide feedback to team members and improve their work.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
Evidence type
Portfolio reference
1. Understand how to plan and delegate work for a team in active leisure
Explain why it is important to be clear about objectives before planning work for an active leisure team
Describe a range of different methods of planning and scheduling work for an active leisure team so that objectives can be achieved
Describe the types of issues to consider when planning and allocating work to members of an active leisure team
Explain why it is important to consult team members when planning their work
Explain why it is important to be flexible when planning and allocating work for an active leisure team
Describe how to reallocate work, people and resources when circumstances change, including communicating changes to those affected
2. Understand how to brief a team in active leisure
Explain why it is important to brief team members on planned work
Describe the key points that should be covered in a team and individual briefing
Explain why it is important to show individuals how their work fits into team and organisational objectives
Explain how to help team members feel comfortable about asking questions and making suggestions when being briefed on planned work
Compare different methods of motivating and supporting team members to achieve their objectives
3. Understand how to monitor team members’ work
Explain why it is important to monitor team members’ work
Evaluate different ways of monitoring team members’ work
4. Understand how to support an active leisure team in its work
Describe the types of problems and unforeseen events in active leisure for which team members may need support
Describe the types of support and additional resources team members may need to complete planned work
Explain how to provide constructive and prompt feedback to team members about their work
Explain how to log and make use of information on team members’ performance
5. Understand how to help team members improve their work
Explain why it is important to try to improve team members’ work
Explain why it is important to celebrate achievement by team members and to address poor performance
Describe how to identify team members’ learning and support needs
Describe different ways in which team members’ work can be improved
Assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Learning outcomes 1-5
Knowledge assessment understanding involving one or a mixture of:
- written questions and answers
- projects
- assignments.
Assessment methodology
This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.
Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.