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Understand key issues relating to producing copy for use in marketing communications (advertising)

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 10:Producing Copy for Use in Marketing Communications (Advertising)

Unit code: M/504/3087
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 6
Guided learning hours: 30

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to give learners the skills and knowledge that will be useful whether entering employment in the creative media sector, or progressing to higher education. Learners will discover how to identify and agree the requirements for advertising copy, and how to develop persuasive copy that meets clients’ promotional needs.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

Writing advertising copy is not just a matter of putting words together to fill the space available. Often the space available will be limited — so every word used must earn its place. Every word must be chosen carefully to work effectively within the context of the overall advertising objective. The words may be used for persuading the reader to acquiesce to the advertiser’s aims, to spur the reader into action, to buy something or do something – whatever the aim, the words must communicate effectively.

In this unit, learners will be introduced to some of the key issues that will need to be taken into account so that they can produce copy that is legal, decent, honest and truthful, and does not cause offence to any sections of society. In addition, the copy produced will need to be suitable for the product, the medium and the target audience, correct in all aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation, and still manage to meet the client’s needs for effective advertising.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understandkey issues relatingto producing copy foruse inmarketing communications(advertising)

1.1    Explaintheimplicationsofintellectual property rights andcopyright when developing copy

1.2    Identify production techniqueswhich can be used acrossdifferent platforms

1.3    Assess the benefits andlimitationsof principle types ofstyle, written tone of voice andformat when used for differentchannels and platforms

1.4      Explaincultural issuesthat canarise from localisation andinternalisation of content

2    Be able to identifyandagree therequirements forcopy for use inmarketing communications(advertising)

2.1    Confirmown understanding ofthe contentof a creative brief

2.2    Confirmown roles andresponsibilities within a creativebrief

2.3    Obtain anyfeedback andclarificationneeded to producecopy totherequired quality



Assessment criteria

3        Be able to develop persuasivecopy for clientsforuse in marketingcommunications (advertising)

3.1    Involve all appropriatepartiesin the development of copy

3.2    Createallaspects of copyidentified ina client’s brief

3.3    Produce work in an appropriatetone of voice

3.4    Write in a style that is:

●       suitable for the targetaudience and purpose of themarketing communications

●    consistent between texts andrelated texts

3.5    Structure content so that it iseasy to understand andnavigate

3.6    Identify search engineoptimisation techniques asappropriate

3.7    Provide clear, consistent andaccessiblehyperlinks

3.8    Follow writing conventions,style guides andpolicies

3.9    Check own copy toconfirmthat:

●   there are no spelling,grammatical, punctuation ortypographical errors

●   anyfacts and figures quoted areaccurate

the content:

●   complies with related legislation

●   complies with word limits

●   meets the brief

●   will engage the target audience

3.10Produce and embed metadata


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