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Understand own marketing communications (advertising) employer

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 4: Understanding own Marketing Communications – Advertising Employer and its Market

Unit code: J/504/3077 

QCF level: 4

Credit value: 5

Guided learning hours: 24

Unit aim

·         The aim of this unit is to help learners to understand their own employer. It asks learners to look at all, gain knowledge and understanding of how their organisation works, and how they can operate to best effect within it.

Competency unit assessment guidance


·         This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.


Unit introduction

·         Information is essential to the process of communication. To construct a cogent, coherent message on behalf of their employer, learners will need to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of their business and the industry in which it operates.


·         Learners will need to examine the organisational procedures within their own employer business and understand how they shape their own day-to-day working practices. Learners should appreciate the extent to which the procedures, working practices and culture of their employer can facilitate and constrain their activities and the extent to which this can either limit or support the achievement of objectives.


·         Learners will examine the need to understand their employer’s offering to the customer, reflecting on the features and benefits of products and how they relate to the needs of customers.


·         Finally, learners will explore their own role within their employer’s business. Learners will consider how their role is defined, reflecting on the duties and responsibilities of their job and how they contribute to the aims and objectives of their employer.


·         Learners should investigate the opportunities available to seek the help, advice and support of other professionals within their field. They can identify areas where they can benefit from expert advice and factors which they should take into account before seeking advice or support.


·        Learners will generate evidence of the different ways that they maintain appropriate records and analyse data in their workplace. They will document the steps that they take to work within legal requirements and guidance laid down in professional codes of conduct.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.


On completion of this unit a learner should:


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

1    Understand own marketing communications (advertising) employer

1.1    Identify own employer organisation`s:

●   brand(s)

●   market position(s)

●   departments

1.2    Review own employer organisation`s:

●   communication methods

●   financial processes

●   culture

●   ways of working

1.3    Explain how the commercial goals and priorities of own employer organisation impact on budgets

1.4    Review key features and benefits of services offered by own employer organisation

1.5    Explain key motivations and priorities of people delivering services offered by own employer organisation

1.6    Summarise the responsibilities of people in different business functions in own employer organisation


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

2    Understand the environment in which own marketing communications (advertising) employer operates

2.1    Review the roles of other agencies in marketing communications

2.2    Identify the major clients of own employer organisation’s competitors

2.3    Identify ways in which the activity of own employer organisation’s competitors is changing

2.4    Summarise key information about the sector, geographical area and market in which own employer organisation operates

2.5    Summarise the requirements of typical clients in own employer organisation’s target market

2.6    Analyse current and potential future trends in marketing communications (advertising) within the United Kingdom, the European Union and globally

2.7    Evaluate sources of additional information about client sectors

2.8    Keep up to date with changes in the products, services and processes of:

●   own employer organisation

●   own organisation`s clients

●   own organisation`s competitors

●   technological advances

2.9      Identify new innovations in marketing communications (advertising) which are of potential benefit to own employer organisation and its market


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

3    Be able to carry out own role in a marketing communications (advertising) employer

3.1    Summarise the responsibilities of own role

3.2    Identify the information needed to carry out the responsibilities of own role

3.3    Explain how own work contributes to the vision and activities of own employer organisation

3.4    Explain when and how own work requires liaising with other people in own employer organisation

3.5    Monitor the market and competitors of own employer organisation

3.6    Maintain accessible records of internal and external information in line with data protection regulations

3.7    Explain how current laws, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines relating to information affect own workand employer organisation

3.8    Analyse and process data and information for own and other departments in own employer   organisation

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