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Understand requirements and expectations for marketing communications (advertising) content

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 12:Quality Assuring Marketing Communications (Advertising) Content

Unit code: T/504/3088
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 4
Guided learning hours: 17

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to give learners the ability to quality assure their advertising content by managing suppliers in a methodical and clear way, monitoring what is being produced.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

In addition to meeting their marketing aims, clients do not expect to see any mistakes in the finished advertising product for which they have provided a  brief and paid for. Everybody involved in the production of an advertisement has a responsibility to the person they report to, as well as to the client, to that it is monitored and checked at all stages of its production to ensure that the finished advertising product is of the highest standard technically as well as qualitatively, and meets the client’s needs. In this unit learners will be introduced to some of the requirements and expectations that clients have for the content of marketing communications, which should be equally important to the producer. Learners will be guided on how to select and brief suppliers of marketing communications, and how to manage the work they produce.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understandrequirements andexpectations for marketingcommunications (advertising)content

1.1    Identify theaims,requirements, constraints andquality expectations formarketing communications(advertising) content

1.2    Explainhow the success of aproject andits final outputs willbe measured

1.3    Identify theaim, parameters,style, structure specificationand target market of afinalproduct

1.4    Identify timescales and budgetfor a project

1.5    Review legal definitions,guidelines, directives,legislation, codes of practiceand standards appropriateto aproject

2    Be able to select and briefsuppliers of marketingcommunications (advertising)content

2.1    Identify and commission goodquality suppliers of marketingcommunications (advertising)content

2.2    Brief suppliers accuratelyandthoroughly

3    Be able to manage thework ofsuppliers of marketingcommunications (advertising)content

3.1    Identify materials and resourcesto support work of the requiredquality

3.2    Confirmthat content:

●   meets aims, requirements,constraints, budget and qualityexpectations

●   is appropriate for a specifiedchannel and platform



Assessment criteria


3.3    Suggest improvementstocontent to:

●   meet a client’s requirements

●   increase its applicability toaudiences

3.4    Confirmthat:

●   changes and queries are raisedwith developers

●   resultant alterationsareaccurately implemented

3.5    Check that requests tovarywork are:

●   reasonable

●   will benefit the end product

●   are documented

●   are budgeted

3.6    Check that:

●   instructions have been correctlycarried out

●   the end product is correct andfunctional

3.7    Maintain accurate records aboutprogress and variations to work

3.8    Keep appropriatepeopleinformed about:

●   requirements

●   details of work

●   any failuresto meetrequirements

●   any changes to agreements

●   any changes to budget


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