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Understand responsibilities and liabilities for health and safety at events sites

Post Date: 11 - Jan - 2020

Unit 4:        Understanding Health, Safety and Security at Events Sites

Unit reference number:     L/600/8552 Level: 4
Credit value:                     5
Guided learning hours:     40

Unit aim

This unit focuses on what learners must know and understand in relation to health, safety and security at event sites. The crucial importance of identifying and managing risk, and how this differs from event to event, is stressed. Learners must show that they understand the legal responsibilities and liabilities relating to health, safety and security at events. They are also required to know how to respond effectively and correctly to incidents and contingencies that might occur at different types of events or venues.

Essential resources

There are no special resources needed for this unit.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes





Understand health and safety in the events industry

1.1      Explain the three main reasons why health and safety at work is important

□      Why health and safety at work is important: legal, statutory and organisational requirements for all employers and employees; to protect public safety and health, to avoid fatalities and serious injuries, to promote public confidence and assurance



1.2      Explain the importance of health and safety in the events/temporary structures’ industry


□      Specific health and safety requirements for the events and temporary structures industry: venue safety, facilities and equipment safety, e.g. stages, lighting sets, special effects, including fireworks, fog, lasers, projections; personnel safety including personal and medical welfare of those attending the event

□      The need to consider event site rules, welfare facilities, muster points, fire points, first-aid facilities, emergency contact numbers, access and egress, facilities and procedures for people with disabilities



1.3      Explain what may happen if health and safety procedures are not properly implemented

□      Implications if health and safety is compromised: injuries or accidents, illness, the possibility of legal action if health and safety procedures are not implemented, loss of reputation, loss of public events licence

□      Wider implications if health and safety requirements are not complied with: impact on people and property in proximity to the event, potential risks to transport in the locality



1.4  Identify industry guidelines and good practice on health and safety

□      Guidelines and good practice to follow: Event Safety Guide (Purple Guide) and Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide), organisational guidelines, local guidelines; HSE guidance on health and safety when using different equipment and effects at events



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

1.5      Identify the meaning of safety signs and symbols used in the industry

□      Safety signs and symbols: the legal requirements that must be complied with, e.g. Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations; the range of safety signs and symbols that may be used at different types of events, e.g. electronic screens, notices, illuminated signs; where and how to fix them, why it is important that these are visible and easily recognisable, why those officiating and attending events must recognise these and comply with them

Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

1.6      Explain site rules, welfare facilities, muster points, fire points, first aid facilities, emergency contact  numbers, access and egress and general job briefing on a typical events site

□      Site rules: rules laid down for the event to control safety and security, to ensure licensing conditions and legal requirements are complied with, including specific responsibilities for areas and activities, reporting procedures, contingency instructions, control of prohibited items, unauthorised activities, entry conditions, standards and use of equipment, timing and methods for set-up, load in, load out and breakdown; rules are agreed with Local Authority officers, Emergency services, contractors

□      Welfare facilities: rest rooms, toilets, drinking water

□      Muster points: designated points across the event site to gather people for use in an emergency, why these should be coded, how to ensure site maps show these clearly and accurately, how to place them in safe areas

□      Fire points: access for fire service vehicles, turning areas, fire extinguishing equipment

□      First-aid facilities: triage areas, first-aid rooms, ambulance parking areas, who is responsible for maintaining

□      Emergency contact numbers: Fire, Ambulance and Police contact numbers, Site Safety Supervisor or Coordinator’s contact number, protocols for contacting each



□      Access and egress: for different areas of the site, final exit points, rules for controlling access and egress for each area, rules for controlling the perimeter, rules to ensure safety and lack of obstruction, e.g. width, distances, ramps, lighting

□      Event briefing: how site rules are a crucial part of event briefings, how these change depending on the event, the audience profile, expected issues; the importance of ensuring event staff fully understand site rules at the briefing

Learning outcomes





Understand responsibilities and liabilities for health and safety at events sites

2.1      Explain the employers’ responsibilities and liabilities for health and safety at work



□      Employer responsibilities: Health and Safety at Work, Management of Health and Safety at Work (Management Regulations), Noise at Work, Work at Height, Electricity at Work, The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare), COSHH, Environmental Protection, Controlled Waste; responsibilities relating to hazard identification and risk assessment of venue safety, facilities and equipment, personnel safety, personal and medical welfare of those officiating and attending the event site including provision of first aid, toilet and food and water facilities; safe disposal of refuse and waste; safety and wellbeing of those impacted by the event, e.g. in the locality

□      Employer liabilities: public liability for damages, costs, loss, injury incurred in connection with the event, e.g. property damage, injury or death, illness or disease, wilful or malicious vandalism; why it is important to comply with legal requirements and responsibilities for public liabilities; how insurance can be invalidated if procedures are not followed



2.2      Explain every employee’s responsibility and liabilities for health and safety at work

□      Employee responsibilities: legal, organisational, industry best practice relating to hazard identification and risk assessment, duty of care to ensure safety and wellbeing of self and others; the importance of following guidelines and procedures and encouraging others to do so; the implications of not complying with guidelines and procedures

□      Additional responsibilities of the event supervisor: liaising with licensing/certifying authority and emergency services, supervising contractors in setup and breakdown, management and recording of control procedures, ensuring facilities and staff are adequate to ensure safety and wellbeing, preparing operational plan, emergency plan, contingency plan, briefing event staff

□      Employee liabilities: legal duty of care to maintain safety of self and others



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

2.3      Explain a site supervisor’s additional on-site responsibilities and liabilities for health and safety

□      Supervisor’s additional responsibilities and liabilities for health and safety: the overarching duty of care to work safely and to ensure the safety of others including event personnel and members of the public, setting a professional example to event staff, appointing and managing an event safety coordinator, following health and safety requirements and guidelines for all aspects before, during and after an event, e.g. drawing up operational plans, contingency plans, liaising with emergency services, carrying out risk assessments, managing the control of entry and egress, monitoring security before, during and after the event, ensuring hospitality facilities meet health and safety requirements including food safety, monitoring the set-up and handling of equipment including special effects, lighting and sound systems, ensuring that equipment is used safely, arranging for event personnel to be trained in health and safety, ensuring that those involved in designated activities at the event are licensed, reporting on health and safety including any incidents after the event

2.4      Explain the health and safety responsibilities and liabilities of other people working on site

□      Health and safety responsibilities of those working on site: the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act for everyone to work safely and be responsible for others’ safety, to follow organisational and manufacturer’s instructions when using equipment, to handle and move equipment and loads safely, to respond to injury or illness correctly; liabilities of all on site, e.g. sound and light engineers, stage technicians, security staff, close protection staff, catering staff, volunteers; why it is important to act in accordance with the event guidelines, to follow event briefing instructions; how failure to do so may create hazards, invalidate insurance, damage public standing of the organisation

Learning outcomes





Understand risk assessment and control on events sites

3.1      Describe the steps in risk assessment


□      Five risk assessment steps: identifying the risk, deciding who may be harmed and how, evaluating the risks and defining precautions, recording and implementing findings, reviewing



3.2      Explain the difference between ‘generic’ and ‘dynamic’ risk assessment and the importance of each

□      Generic risk assessment as a framework to describe how all risk

assessments for events are carried out, what they should include, how they set out parameters against which operational plans and contingency plans can be made

□      Dynamic risk assessments to be undertaken for specific events both before and during the event; why it is important to use both forms of risk assessment, e.g. to respond to and control incidents, to manage contingencies, to evaluate changing situations



3.3      Describe the typical hazards that may occur when working on site, e.g. severe weather, underground and overhead services, trip and fall hazards, etc

□      Typical hazards that may occur at an event site: fire or explosion, severe weather, flooding, power failure, drainage blocks, trip and fall hazards, lack of or breakdown in facilities, equipment malfunction or breakdown, crowd surges or disorder, vandalism and damage to facilities or equipment, blocked or inaccessible access points



3.4      Explain the risks associated with each of these hazards


□      Risks that these may present in different types of events: indoor, outdoor, in open spaces, in confined areas, at sites designed for public events, at sites not designed for public events

□      Range of risks: potential injury or fatality, damage to public health, loss of amenity, delay in event schedule, breach of security, loss of personal possessions, damage to the environment



3.5      Explain how these risks can be eliminated or controlled

□      How to manage the risks: following contingency plans, following the organisation’s method statement; the importance of designating key personnel to monitor specific areas and activities; setting out reporting intervals and protocols; using different methods to monitor and control risk, e.g. observation platforms, CCTV, radio, personal surveillance, patrols



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

3.6      Explain what a method statement is and why it is important

□      Method statements for events: as a means of itemising all aspects of preparing, setting up, loading in, loading out and breakdown of an event so that each can be checked and completed on a due date; to identify responsibilities for each aspect; method statements include safe working arrangements for the event, e.g. risk assessments, staff required, staff training and competencies, equipment required, checking compliance with safety legislation

□      Importance of completing a Method Statement: to prepare and plan effectively, to meet local authority and emergency services requirements, to highlight shortfalls, to identify specific venue or event requirements

Learning outcomes





Understand health and safety inspection procedures at events sites

4.1      Describe the different types of people who may carry out on-site health and safety inspections and the powers of each

□      Health and safety inspections: the process and purpose of onsite health and safety inspections, who carries these out, e.g. Fire Authority, Police Authority, Health and Safety Enforcement officers, Local Authority; what they cover, e.g. emergency access routes, places of safety, seating capacity, event capacity, entry and egress points, emergency lighting, door and gate fastenings, noise and sound levels, fire fighting equipment, fire alarm equipment, special risks for certain types of stage and equipment; the possible outcomes of an inspection, e.g. Prohibition Notice, Improvement Notice issued under Environment & Safety Information Act 1988, powers of officers to prevent an event taking place, to issue a schedule of remedial works to complete, to publish the notice



        Explain the effects of each of the following:

  • A Prohibition Notice
  • An Improvement Notice

□      Why a Prohibition Notice might be issued: when the Fire Authority believe that the use of the premises for an event would pose a serious risk to those involved or where the means of escape from the premises is inadequate; the effects of a Prohibition Notice to suspend the event until the Notice is withdrawn

□      Why an Improvement Notice might be issued and the effects of this: how to record and use findings of the inspection to rectify shortfalls; who to liaise with about the findings of the inspection and to agree actions needed; the importance of complying with the Notice and following the schedule of remedial works; how to get a Notice withdrawn; appealing against Prohibition Notices; publication of the notice on a public register

□      Importance to carry out inspections well in advance of the event; timescales for taking actions to regularise the situation so that the event can proceed



Learning outcomes





Understand security procedures at events sites

5.1      Explain the importance of on-site security


□      Crucial role played by security staff at events: ensuring safe entry and egress, controlling authorised and unauthorised entry, emergency incidents, controlling restricted access areas, ensuring safety of those performing at and attending the event, monitoring for prohibited substances, unlawful behaviour, restricted items, liaison with Event Manager, liaison with emergency services; the different role and remit of others involved in security, e.g. police, stewards, event volunteers



5.2      Explain what can happen if on-site security procedures are not properly implemented

□      What can happen if security procedures are not followed: crowd surges, crowd disorder, damage, theft, accidents, injuries, fatalities; delays due to uncontrolled or poorly marked entry or egress, disruptions to performance due to damage or theft of equipment.



5.3      Describe typical on-site security problems and wa of dealing with these



□      Typical problems: crowd surges, crowd disorder, vandalism, damage to facilities, equipment, theft of or damage to personal possessions, accidents, theft of equipment, breach of perimeters, unauthorised access to designated areas, use of unauthorised substances, unlawful behaviour

□      These may be different depending on the event type and event site, e.g. outdoor, indoor, large, small, in facilities designed for events, in facilities not designed for events, in urban areas, in rural areas

□      Dealing with problems: contacting and liaising with emergency services, setting out ambulance points, implementing incident control points, following evacuation routes and assembly points, ensuring safe evacuation of disabled persons, scripting PA announcements, video screen alerts and coded security alerts and messages; obtaining situation reports, correct deployment of security and stewarding personnel, e.g. searching individuals, confiscating items, patrolling areas, ejecting individuals, detaining in secure areas



Learning outcomes





Understand emergency procedures at events sites

6.1      Describe the typical emergencies that may occur on events/temporary structures sites

□      Emergencies: the legal requirement to manage emergencies and major incidents as set out in The Management of Health and Safety at Work (Management Regulations), potential emergencies at different types of event e.g. fire, floods, adverse weather, accidents, illness, security incidents and alerts, structural failure, crowd surge and collapse, crowd disorder, over-stretched capacity



6.2      Explain the procedures to follow in response to the typical emergencies on events sites


□      Procedures are those set out in the Major Incident Plan, Event Contingency Plan

□      Procedures include contact and liaison with emergency services, setting out ambulance points, implementing incident control points, following evacuation routes, assembly points, correct deployment of security and stewarding personnel, ensuring safe evacuation of disabled persons, scripting PA announcements, video screen alerts and coded security alerts/messages; obtaining situation reports



6.3      Describe the procedures f reporting accidents and incidents


□      Legal requirements for reporting accidents and incidents: when and how the report must be made, maintaining agreed protocols for reporting, who to notify in case of an accident, e.g. Health and Safety Executive, Emergency Services, Local Authority; who to notify following an incident, e.g. Health and Safety Executive, Police, Local Authority; organisational procedures for reporting accidents and incidents



6.4      Explain why reporting procedures for accidents and emergencies are important

□      Importance of reporting accidents and emergencies: to comply with legal requirements, to provide information to relevant authorities, to avoid further accidents or emergencies through rectifying faults, making improvements, learning from mistakes



Learning outcomes





Understand how to maintain health, safety and security on events sites

7.1      Explain how to encourage staff to make health, safe and security priorities in their work



□      Importance of encouraging those involved to make health, safety and security priorities in their work: through event briefings, circulating clear guidance at appropriate points during planning, revisiting and reminding during the event

□      Ensuring guidance is targeted to suit specific needs: event staff, contractors, security personnel, volunteers; arranging appropriate training on health, safety and security



7.2      Explain how to behave on site to reinforce messages about health, safety and security

□      Reinforcing messages about health, safety and security: by setting an example from own behaviour, by complying with all legal and organisational requirements, by checking that others are complying with requirements, by verbally reminding personnel, by using signage and video screens to remind those attending the event, through announcements



7.3      Describe how to monitor a site and the work taking place to make sure health, safety and security procedures are being followed

□      Monitoring: through personal observation, using CCTV in a control room, receiving telephone, radio and face-to-face reports from security staff, stewards, emergency services personnel; using method statements to check key activities have been completed



7.4      Explain how to communicate information about health, safety and security to your staff and other relevant people

□      Range of methods that may be used to communicate information about health, safety and security to event staff and others such as emergency services, performers, contractors: briefings, handouts, route-marking and signs, information displays, screens, scoreboards, face-to-face contact, PA systems, radio systems, loud hailers; agreeing protocols for communications, ensuring event staff comply with these; having accurate site plans and maps with clear coding of areas


Learning outcomes





Understand how to improve health, safety and security on events sites

8.1      Explain the importance of continuous improvement relation into on-site health, safety and security



□      Importance of continuous improvement: in maintaining the organisation’s reputation, to reassure the public, to ensure continuing good relationships with licensing authorities and emergency services

□      Using findings from health and safety inspections, risk assessments and feedback to formulate improvement plans

□      Researching other events to identify success factors; reviewing own critical success factors against performance measures



8.2      Identify the people you can work with to help improve on-site health, safety and security

□      Consulting with other people who can support improvements: experienced security personnel, local authority officers, emergency services advisers, HSE officers, hospitality specialists



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