Unit2: Awareness of Health and SafetyintheCreativeMediaSector
Unit code: D/600/8510 QCF level: 2
Credit value:2
Guided learning hours: 15
Unit aim
The aim of this unit is to promotea safety culture based on personalresponsibility. The unit encourageslearners to be proactive in terms of theirown safety and the safety of others.
Competency unit assessment guidance
This unit should be assessed predominantly in theworkplace. Please seeAnnexeE. Observation,witnesstestimony, questioning, professionaldiscussion,written andproduct evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.
Unit introduction
A successful career in creative media is underpinnedby strong abilitiesinpersonal responsibility, self-evaluation andskills development. With safeworkingpractice at the centre of mostthe sector environments, this unitconcentrates on the learner`simpactontheir own safety and that of workplaceenvironments. Learners will explorethe appropriate health and safetyregulations and associated compliance.
In learning outcome 1,learners are introduced to thebroad range of elementswithin health and safety legislationand are givenan outline of safeworkingpractices in the creative media sector.
In learning outcome 2,learners are given definitions of hazards and risks toenable them to differentiate between them. They will learn howto undertake arisk assessmentand about the procedures for reporting hazards and risks.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidencethat thelearnerpresents for assessmentneeds to demonstrate that they can meetall the learning outcomes for the unit.The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completionof thisunit a learner should:
Assessment criteria
1 Understandthe appropriatehealth andsafety regulations inthe creative media sector
1.1 Identify key elements of healthand safety regulations,appropriateto working in thecreative media sector
1.2 Outline safe working practicesin the creative media sector
2 Be able to comply withappropriatehealth and safetyprocedures
2.1 Outline the differencesbetweenhazards and risks
2.2 Carry out arisk assessment
2.3 Reportidentifiedhazards andrisks to the appropriateparties