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Understand the factors to be considered in the preparation of presentations for marketing communications (advertising)

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 16:Presenting Marketing Communications (Advertising) Solutions

Unit code: D/504/3098 
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 3
Guided learning hours: 15

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is for learners to develop the knowledge and skills that are required to deliver presentations effectively. Learners will explore the different approaches to the presentation of information to different audiences.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

‘I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking. People confront a problem by creating a presentation. I wanted them to engage, to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of slides.’ — Steve Jobs

  • The effective delivery of presentations is an important part of studying for higher qualifications not least because it equips the presenter with valuable skills that are equally important in professional life.
  • Many professions routinely experience meetings or seminars where they are subject to ‘death by PowerPoint’ but in the hands of skilled practitioners who can engage with a topic knowledgeably and with a sense of humour it is possible to use an appropriate presentation format to inspire the passion and enthusiasms of an audience.
  • In this unit learners will examine the preparation that must be undertaken to deliver messages effectively and consider the needs of different audiences. This will inform the objectives when presenting information.
  • Once learners have explored the theoretical underpinnings of good presentations, they will practise and develop presentational skills, demonstrating competence in the delivery of material to different audiences.
  • On completion of this unit learners should be well equipped to pitch an offering to a client or internal stakeholders within their own organisation.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understandthe factors to beconsidered in the preparation ofpresentations for marketingcommunications (advertising)

1.1    Describe the advantages anddisadvantages of different waysof presenting informationincluding:

●   mood boards

●   scamps

●   videos

●   storytelling

●   spreadsheets

●   PowerPoint

1.2    Describe the advantages anddisadvantages of differentpresentation equipment

1.3    Explainhow audiencepreferences willimpacton thepreparation of a presentation

1.4    Summarise the informationrequired to prepare apersuasive presentation

1.5    Identify individuals involved inthe preparation of apresentation

2    Understandthe factors to beconsidered in the delivery ofpresentations for marketingcommunications (advertising)

2.1    Describe techniques to capture,retain and convince theaudience

2.2    Explaintheimportanceof vocalvariety andbody languageinpresentations

2.3    Explaintheimportanceofpreparing for a presentationincluding rehearsing



Assessment criteria

3    Be able to prepare presentationsfor marketing communications(advertising)

3.1    Clarify the purpose of apresentation

3.2    Describe the audience’sinterestsand priorities

3.3    Set objectives for apresentation that reflects the

●   purpose of the presentation

●   audience’s interestsandpriorities

3.4    Structure a presentation in linewith its objectives

3.5    Ensurea presentationemphasises the benefits of theproposal/solution beingpresented

3.6    Select and integrate suitableaudio/visualaids and/ortechnical details into apresentation

3.7      Agree the roles and responsibilitiesof individuals involved preparing apresentation

3.8      Practise a presentation, ensuringthat it conforms to any restrictions

3.9      Anticipateand prepare forquestions from the audience

4    Be able to deliver presentationsfor marketing communications(advertising)

4.1      Delivera presentation clearly, withevidence of awarenessof vocaltone, pace, volume and bodylanguage

4.2      Use audio/visualaids to support apresentation

4.3      Set upanduse any technicalequipmentappropriately

4.4      Provide opportunities for theaudience toask questions

4.5      Respondtoaudience questions,providing the information they areasking for

4.6      Evaluatethe success ofpresentation in meeting thesetobjectives

4.7      Identify any changes toimprovefuture presentations

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