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Understand the process of developing detailed plans for an event

Post Date: 10 - Aug - 2023

Unit 3:Understanding Operational Event Planning

Unit reference number:J/600/8551 
Credit value:4
Guided learning hours:25

Unit aim

This unit focuses on the importance of careful and thorough planning in order to ensure the success of an event. Learners will need to show how to gather information from a range of sources relevant to preparing an event. They will need to demonstrate how to critically review qualitative and quantitative information, analyse the reliability of the information sources and draw conclusions. The importance of effective communications with colleagues and stakeholders and the need to follow procedures are emphasised. Finally, learners must make and keep suitable records and formulate recommendations.

Essential resources

There are no special resources needed for this unit.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification:

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.


Learning outcomes

Assessment Criteria

Unit Amplification


Understand how to research events

Explain the importance of researching the overall strategic plan for the event prior to detailed planning


  • Importance of researching the overall strategic plan for the event prior to detailed planning: to ensure the strategic plan for the event is accurate and comprehensive; to obtain current information and feedback      which may impact on planning the event, e.g. changes in legislation, changes in licensing requirements, feedback and data from similar events; to ensure all the information is collated in advance
  • Researching using personal interviews, discussions, reading reports and summaries, analysing raw data from events





Explain the importance of researching and building on the successes of other similar events


  • Why it is important to research similar events: to build on success, e.g. by identifying aspects of an event which worked well, analysing the reasons for this and considering how this may be extended, modified or adapted to improve impact; to learn from mistakes, to identify aspects needing improvement; to anticipate audience needs correctly; to introduce facilities, resources to improve the event; to forecast budget requirements, security needs




Identify useful sources of information on similar events


  • Sources of information on similar events: internet, media, organisational records and reports, case studies in trade journals, local authority records and reports, HSE records and reports, specialist event staff, security professionals, social media sites, customer surveys




Explain the importance of keeping up to date with current practice in event planning


  • Importance of keeping up to date with current practice in event planning: to comply with current requirements, e.g. of licensing authority, of the HSE; to reflect industry best practice, to maintain the organisation’s reputation, to ensure success




Explain the importance of seeking innovation in event planning


  • How and why to be innovative in event planning: using new visual displays, offering ticketing packages, using new promotional techniques or approaches; being innovative to attract media attention, to enhance the organisation’s reputation, to gain new customers, to fulfil expectations of event sponsors, to motivate event staff



Understand the process of developing detailed plans for an event

Describe the principles and methods of developing detailed plans for events


  • Principles and methods of developing detailed plans for events: gathering information relating to the venue, e.g. capacity, location of the stages, barriers, front-of-house towers, delay towers, entries and exit points, emergency routes, first-aid and triage areas, positioning of toilets, merchandising stalls etc; gathering information specific to the        event: potential attendance, seating required or not required, security issues, date, duration, stakeholder interest; allocating sub-headings in the plan for different aspects of the event; setting out timelines for each aspect and each stage of the plan, assigning responsibilities for each aspect, deciding on sequence of preparations




Describe what a detailed plan should cover


  • What a detailed plan should cover: venue design, selection of competent workers, selection of contractors and sub-contractors, construction of the stages, marquees, fencing; delivery and installation of equipment and services which will be used at the event, e.g. stage equipment used by the performers, lighting, public address (PA) systems; effective crowd management strategies, security, transport management strategies and welfare arrangements; strategies for dealing with fire, first aid, contingencies and major incidents; safe removal of equipment and services; controlling risks once the event is over, dismantling the infrastructure; collection of rubbish and waste-water disposal




Explain the importance of making the plan consistent with the overall goals, objectives, critical success factors and other requirements for an event


  • Why it is important to ensure the plan is consistent with the overall goals, objectives, critical success factors and other requirements for an event; so that the organisation’s aims for the event are achieved, e.g. improved revenue targets, audience targets, promotion and sales; to provide a coherent framework for the event; to ensure the operational plan focuses on what is needed to deliver the organisation’s critical success factors




Describe typical requirements for events, including legal and regulatory requirements


  • Typical requirements for events: the range of legal requirements for different events and venues, e.g. Health and Safety at Work Act, Management of Health and Safety at Work (Management), Noise at Work, Work at Height, Electricity at Work, The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare), COSHH Regulations, Environmental Protection, Controlled Waste; industry guidelines for events covering, e.g. methods of ensuring facilities and staff are adequate to ensure safety and wellbeing; requirements for major incident plans, contingency plans, operational plans




Give 10 examples of the types of contingencies that may occur with events


  • Types of contingencies that may occur with events: fire, floods, adverse weather, accidents, illness, security incidents and alerts, structural failure, crowd surge or collapse, crowd disorder, over-stretched capacity, power failure, equipment malfunction, structural failings, e.g. of stage, lighting rigs, marquees, transport failure or delays impacting on entry and egress




Explain how to plan for possible contingencies


  • How to plan for possible contingencies: through liaison with licensing and certifying authority and emergency services, through consultation with fellow professionals and experts, e.g. security, transport and logistics, hospitality, audio technicians; through researching similar events, events where contingencies occurred; the importance of setting out contingency plans clearly, communicating these to relevant personnel



Understand how to allocate people and resources to planned event activities

Describe methods of allocating personnel and other resources to plan components


  • Allocating personnel to different aspects of the plan, e.g. by reference to numbers and types of personnel needed to adequately staff the event, by identifying and matching competencies required, on the basis of personalities suited to the event, by seeking volunteers for specific aspects, on the basis of seniority within the organisation, on the basis of availability for the event, on the basis of security clearance




Describe methods of allocating physical resources to plan components


  • Allocating resources: resources are physical, e.g. equipment, venue, facilities, power, transport; allocating to the different components of the plan, e.g. by estimating requirements based on previous or similar events, by prioritising based on identified critical success factors, based on requirements identified in the operational plan for the event, based on availability




Describe methods of allocating financial resources to plan components


  • Allocating financial resources: how to allocate and manage budgets in line with the event plan; setting out headings for each key aspect of the event, e.g. security, transport, equipment, venue hire, staffing, publicity, ticketing, sales; assigning budget limits for each heading based on research and information about the event; estimating costs for each heading; adding in contingency funds; monitoring actual and anticipated spend against each heading; monitoring actual against anticipated income; making adjustments, e.g. vehement between budget headings to deal with problems or unexpected expenditure; agreeing persons to authorise spending, agreeing spend limits and authorities



Understand the process of finalising detailed plans for events

Describe different methods of presenting plans so that they can be easily implemented


  • Presenting plans: using different formats so that they can be easily understood and implemented, e.g. presentations, web-based presentations, verbal reporting, tabular summaries, graphics, e.g. charts, maps, photos; identifying when to present plans to achieve maximum support




Explain the importance of having the agreement and support for all key stakeholders for your programme plans


  • Importance of gaining support and agreement of all stakeholders: stakeholders are all individuals or organisations that have a material, legal or political interest in the event, e.g. commissioning agents, performers, facility owners and managers, contractors, suppliers, security officials, emergency services, licensing authority officers; those who may be affected by the event or related activities, e.g. neighbourhood or local community members and groups, members of the public; how to gain support by consulting in relation to key decisions and activities, taking into account views, priorities, expectations and attitudes to potential risks; the importance of working towards win-win situations to ensure the event is successful




Identify planning information that needs to disseminated to be stakeholders


  • Information that needs to be disseminated to different stakeholders, why some information may be restricted




Describe the different methods that can be used to disseminate event plans to stakeholders


  • Disseminating event plans: the different methods that can be used to disseminate event plans to stakeholders and when to use them, e.g. phone, email, text, letter; protocols that should be followed when circulating information to stakeholders, e.g. copying in, group circulations; when issues of security or confidentiality affect contact and communications with and between stakeholders



Understand the organisational context for developing detailed event plans

Describe the typical responsibilities of an event organiser at the planning stage


  • Typical responsibilities of an event organiser: promotion and management of the event; preparing operational strategies for crowd management, transport management, fire, first aid, major incident and contingencies; allocation of responsibilities for different stages of the event; monitoring completion of each stage; reporting progress to event sponsors, licensing authority; ensuring competencies of event staff, contractors and sub-contractors; identifying training needed for event staff




Describe how the event organiser’s role relates to

the roles of others in relation to planning an event


  • Event organiser’s role: the prime responsibility for protecting the health, safety and welfare of everyone working at, or attending, the event; how this role relates to others involved in planning an event, e.g. site safety officer, emergency services, local authority licensing officers, environmental health officers, security advisers, contractors, event sponsors and promoters; how the event organiser’s role changes, e.g. liaising with others, coordinating their input into the plan, delegating certain tasks such as research and data collection, security arrangements, hospitality; how the event organiser must respond to and meet the requirements of the licensing authority and emergency services




Describe the main responsibilities of colleagues with whom the event planner will work when developing detailed plans


  • Main responsibilities of colleagues: liaison with contractors, sub- contractors, licensing officers, event sponsors, performers, safety officers; providing updates of progress, problems, developing issues for each aspect for which they have responsibility, seeking authorisation where necessary from the event organiser




Describe an organisation’s procedures in relation to developing detailed plans


  • Organisational procedures: procedures covering event planning and preparation; the importance of following the organisation’s procedures in relation to developing detailed plans, what could happen if procedures are not followed, e.g. delays with contractors, issues not identified, promotion opportunities missed




Describe an organisation’s style and methods for distributing planning information


  • Organisation’s style and methods for distributing planning information: how to prioritise dissemination of planning information; how to observe protocols when circulating information with colleagues and stakeholders,
  • e.g. copying in, group circulations; when issues of security or confidentiality affect contact and communications with and between colleagues and stakeholders; how to ensure contact is secure and confidential, e.g. restricted circulation, need-to-know basis; when to use certain methods of communications, e.g. phone, email, text, letter; why it is important to follow agreed methods of communications and contact with colleagues and stakeholders; the impact on working relationships if agreed communication methods and protocols are not followed

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