Unit 3:Understanding how to manage health, safety and welfare in active leisure
Unit reference number:A/503/0780
QCF level:3
Credit value:3
Guided learning hours:20
Unit summary
This unit assesses the knowledge and understanding that a learner needs in relation to maintaining health and safety in an active leisure environment and safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Learning outcomes 1-5
Knowledge understanding assessment involving one or a mixture of:
- written questions and answers
- projects
- assignments.
Assessment methodology
This unit is assessed in the workplace or in conditions resembling the workplace. Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and the submission date against each assessment criterion.
Alternatively, centre documentation should be used to record this information.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
Evidence type
Portfolio reference
1. Understand the requirements for health, safety, welfare and security in active leisure
Summarise the legal requirements for health and safety that apply to active leisure facilities and services
Identify the authorities responsible for health and safety in an active leisure environment
Identify other sources of guidance that applies to active leisure facilities and services
Explain a manager’s responsibilities for health, safety and the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in an active leisure environment
Explain how active leisure organisation’s develop policies and procedures to maintain health and safety of customers and staff
2. Understand how to manage health and safety risks in an active leisure environment
Explain the principles of risk assessment
Summarise a range of health and safety hazards that my occur in an active leisure environment
Explain how to ensure that health and safety hazards are identified in an active leisure environment
Explain how to determine levels of acceptable risk
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
Evidence type
Portfolio reference
Demonstrate how to assess a range of risks in an active leisure environment and establish and maintain measures to manage these to acceptable levels
Explain why it is important to seek advice when there is uncertainty about assessing and managing risk and where to seek such advice
Describe how to promote health and safety to staff and customers in an active leisure environment and use their feedback to improve health and safety procedures
3. Understand how to manage health and safety emergencies and other incidents in an active leisure environment
Summarise the types of emergencies and other health and safety incidents that may occur in an active leisure environment
Describe an active leisure organisation’s emergency operating procedures
Explain a manager’s role in co-ordinating emergency operating procedures
Summarise the reporting and recording procedures that must be followed in the event of an emergency or other health and safety incident
Explain how to use emergencies and other health and safety incidents to improve normal and emergency operating procedures
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
Evidence type
Portfolio reference
4. Understand the requirements for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Summarise the legal requirements that cover the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in an active leisure environment
Explain a manager’s responsibilities for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Identify the local and national organisations and agencies responsible for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and providing guidance on the subject
5. Understand how to manage the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults
Summarise the types of safeguarding risks to children and vulnerable adults in an active leisure environment
Summarise an active leisure organisation’s policies and procedures for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Explain how a manager should respond to concerns about the welfare of children and vulnerable adults using an active leisure environment
Explain why it is important to collect, assess and share information about concerns regarding children and vulnerable adults and when it may be necessary to report concerns to outside agencies
Explain the importance of confidentiality in relation to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults