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Understand the requirements for purchasing channel or platform space or time

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 15:Buying Channel or Platform Space or Time

Unit code: L/504/3095
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 3
Guided learning hours: 15

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to give learners the skills and knowledge that will be useful whether entering employment in the creative and media sector, or progressing to higher education. In addition, the unit aims to develop learners’ of the basic administration that must be carried out as part of the buying process.

Competency unit assessment guidance

This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.

Unit introduction

Theorising about which channels or platforms to use to support a marketing communications strategy can be undertaken, but at some point a decision will need to be made and money will need to be committed to the project: someone will need to buy the media that has been selected and planned for. This is not a simple process: each channel and platform will have its own price list for what it offers to advertisers, and these prices will vary according to a wide range of criteria.

The aim of the media owner will be to get the highest price for its product; the aim of the media buyer will be to maximise the value of the budget they have to spend, to the benefit of the client. In this unit, learners will start to understand the requirements for purchasing channel or platform space or time, together with the key features that need to be considered during this process.

Building on their understanding, learners will move on to negotiating the best deal from a media owner. In conclusion, learners will be introduced to good practice in the administration of media buying, so that they can confirm details with suppliers, monitor progress and report outcomes to interested parties.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Understand the requirements forpurchasingchannel or platformspace or time

1.1  Interpret the requirements ofachannel or platform plan

2    Understandthe key features forconsideration when buyingchannel or platform space ortime

2.1    Review the trading practices ofthe suppliers of the identifiedchannels or platforms

2.2    Identify negotiation strategiesto obtain better value

2.3    Explaintheimportanceofnegotiating exclusive deals withsuppliers

2.4    Summariseany regulatory,ethical andcode of practicerequirements impacting onadvertising practice in thesector

3    Be able to negotiate channel orplatform space or time

3.1    Establish availability of requiredchannel or platform space ortime, identifying suitablealternativesif necessary

3.2    Negotiate and agree terms andconditions for the supply ofchannel or platform space ortime

4    Be able to confirm details ofchannel or platform purchases

4.1    Prepare anaccuratescheduleconfirming details of channel orplatform space andtime booked

4.2    Confirm bookings with suppliers

4.3    Inform appropriate people ofbookings and of any addedvalue secured


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