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Understanding and critical awareness of the issues, problems and practices that characterise digital marketing management.

Post Date: 01 - Feb - 2020

Digital Marketing Strategy

Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:

The main learning outcome of this module is to help the students in achieving an understanding and critical awareness of the issues, problems and practices that characterise digital marketing management. Students are required to produce an analysis of a situation requiring a digital marketing solution and create a best-practice solution to a digital marketing problem, appropriate to the analysis and conditions.

To pass the module students should:

-       Carefully read the Assessment Brief, follow the guidance, and meet all the requirements.

-       Apply theory to the context rather than quoting ‘textbook’ in isolation from the digital marketing situation.

-       Use academic written English and show good written presentation skills.

-       Read and understand the requirements of the Assessment Brief, to ensure that all of the elements of the assessment are completed in accordance to the marking scheme.

-       You are required to submit a report of 3000 words (not including: title page, executive summary, references and appendices)



This module aims to equip students with the conceptual knowledge needed to develop their understanding of Digital Marketing Strategies. Students will develop an understanding of applying Digital Marketing techniques through the exploration of a diverse range of activities in Digital Marketing Strategy. It aims to enable students to appreciate the major differences between traditional and Digital Marketing activities at a strategic level.


The assessment for this module is by coursework and consists of an individual Digital Marketing Strategy project report (100%), related to the impact that the Internet and other Digital Marketing tools has on the elements of the Marketing Mix of a chosen product or organisation. You are required to submit a report of 3000 words (not including: title page, executive summary, references and appendices) via e-submission.

You should note that the assignment integrates lectures/seminars within the coursework taskand gives students the opportunity, through reading, research, and knowledge sharing to prepare for a Digital Marketing role upon graduation.

Project Details:

Choose an e-commerce/e-business[1] and answer the following questions:-

  1. Identify and classify the nature of existing online customers for your chosen organisation. Analyse the organisation’s current Digital Marketing Strategy, evaluating the effectiveness of the current digital marketing activities. (50% weighting)
  2. Benchmark performance against two direct competitors within the market and recommend alternative digital marketing strategies to increase market share and sustainability for the organisation, providing full justification for your choice of strategy (50% weighting)

You must draw on academic theory to justify your analysis and proposal.  All sources of information should be fully acknowledged and properly referenced.

[1] Students must get their chosen organisations approved by the module leader in advance. Choosing an organisation without any existing e-commerce/e-business practice will result in student failing the assessment.

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