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Use database software tools to create, edit and run data queries and produce reports

Post Date: 16 - Aug - 2023

Unit 21:

Database Software

Unit code: T/502/4556
QCF level: 3
Credit value: 6
Guided learning hours: 45

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to enable learners to understand the features of relational databases and to develop the skills necessary to design, create and populate a relational database, as well as utilising software tools to manipulate data.

Unit introduction

Database software is one of the most commonly used application packages in business. Many jobs involve the use of databases and for this reason employees with database skills are valued. The advantages of using a relational database are extensive, including significantly reduced data storage requirements, improved record manipulation and faster access to records. As with spreadsheets, data mining software can make use of database files to interrogate records and look for trends or unusual events.

Most organisations use databases in some way to store records, for example customer information, supplier information, employee details and financial information. These records can be searched, sorted, ordered, and cross- referenced using relational databases. Using a simplified chart tool, graphs and charts can also be created and embedded in reports.

To ensure that relational databases have integrity, validity and efficiency, planning the database prior to implementation is important. Failure to do this may result in a poor product. Efficient relational database design is managed through the process of normalisation and it is important learners understand the importance this brings to developing efficient and effective databases.

In this unit learners will develop understanding of database software and principles, in order to set up an effective and efficient database. Furthermore, learners will be able to use features and functions to manipulate data to yield the desired result.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

On completion of this unit a learner should:


Assessment criteria

1    Plan, create and modifyrelational database tables tomeet requirements

1.1    Explain how a relationaldatabase design enables data tobe organised and queried

1.2    Plan and create multiple tablesfor data entry with appropriatefields and properties

1.3    Set up andmodify relationshipsbetween database tables

1.4    Explainwhy andhow tomaintain data integrity

1.5    Respondappropriately toproblems with database tables

1.6    Use database tools andtechniquesto ensure dataintegrity is maintained

2    Enter,editand organisestructured information in adatabase

2.1    Design andcreate forms toaccess, enter, edit and organisedata in a database

2.2    Select anduse appropriate toolsand techniques to format dataentryforms

2.3    Check data entry meets needs,using IT tools and makingcorrections as necessary

2.4    Respondappropriately to dataentry errors

3    Use database software tools tocreate, edit and run data queriesand produce reports

3.1    Explain how to select, generateand output information fromqueries according torequirements

3.2    Createandrun databasequeries to display, amend orcalculate selected data

3.3    Plan and produce databasereports from a multiple-tablerelational database

3.4    Select anduse appropriate toolsand techniques to formatdatabase reports



Assessment criteria


3.5  Check reports meetneeds,using IT tools and makingcorrections as necessar

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