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Write an introduction explaining the purpose of the reflection task and telling the reader how the document is structured.

Post Date: 29 - Nov - 2023

Assessment Title: Reflective Learning paper

Learning Outcomes for the item of assessment:

This item of assessment covers the following learning outcomes. For the full list of learning outcomes for the module, please refer to the Module Study Guide.

Transfer academic knowledge and understanding to real-life business issues.

Reflect upon work-based business practice and how academic knowledge and understanding underpins practice.

Work independently, organising and maintaining a programme of study to meet employer and academic deadlines.

Communicate research and findings.


Write a reflective report of 1,500 words about your internship performance. Provide details of the different aspects of your work experience. You also need to reflect on your internship and its relationship to your studies.

This assessment has a first sit and re-submission opportunity, but no retake opportunity.

This assessment constitutes 30% of the final assessment module grade.


1. Write an introduction explaining the purpose of the reflection task and telling the reader how the document is structured.

2. Discuss the context of your internship experience

a) Describe your experience of working in your organisation. For example, you could reflect on:

  • challenges you faced,
  • the skill set that helped you perform tasks effectively and efficiently,
  • whether you worked alone or in a team and your feelings about this.

To help with this task you should draw on the content of your reflective Log.

b) Choose an academic theory that could help you explain one of your reflections in part (a). Describe the theory and then apply it to your experience of working in your organisation. (50% Total for this section)

3. Include the following documents as Appendices and refer to the them in your discussion. (These will not contribute to the word count)

  1. Learning agreement
  2. Reflective log
  3. Health and safety student induction checklist
  4. Ability assessment: pre-internship
  5. Ability assessment: post-internship (35% Total for this section)

4. Structure and references

  1. Write a summary of your findings
  2. Use the Harvard referencing system for your citations and the references.
  3. Clear structure as indicated above (15% Total for this section)

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