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Annual and quarterly reports filed (e.g. 10-K or 10-Q for American companies)

Post Date: 12 - Dec - 2023

In groups of 3 students will conduct research on a merger or acquisition transaction that took place sometime between 2010 and 2016. 


-          Prepare a 3-4page report about the chosen transaction answering the questions below.

-          Attach a copy of all the material used in the research and add a reference page at the end.

-          Complete a 15-20 minute presentation of the case.

Reports and presentations need to include at least the following:

-          Background about each party involved in the transaction.

-          What were the motives of the different parties?

-          How was the transactions structured?

-          How is the transaction accounted for on the books of all parties involved? Show this using the related financial statements.

-          What are the implications of this transaction?

-          How did the stock market react to the news?

-          Anything else of interest about this transaction before, during, or after?

-          What is your assessment of this merger, now that time has elapsed?


-          Annual reports including the front management discussion, and the back part including financial statements and their footnotes. These can be obtained from the library databases or online.

-          Annual and quarterly reports filed (e.g. 10-K or 10-Q for American companies)

-          Company press releases and voluntary disclosures.

-          Business media articles about the two entities.


Group name: _________________________________

Report 10% of total grade using the following rubric:




Words used in the report are not those of the students, except when cited properly and in less than 10% of the report.



Very basic command of material, or lack of demonstrated effort.



Indicates good quality but does not merit special distinction.



Indicates a full mastery of the case on hand and related concepts.




3 points



Students miss the relevant points or do not make enough connection with the course readings. Students at times report using opinions, not facts.

Students miss the point at times but engage course materials effectively./

Students clearly grasp the key points and effectively use course concepts to discuss and add value to the case presented.



2 points



Minimal resources used and little effort is demonstrated in using quality resources.

Reasonable choice of resources and effort.

Students conduct thorough research and select the most relevant resources.



3 points


Students provide marginal responses, or not all questions were answered.

All questions were answered.  Responses were short and at times not too clear.

Students provided clear, concise and thorough responses to each question.



2 points


The writing or presentation of the material is hard to follow. Or the report contains too much media-sounding wording.

The errors are not large enough to make understanding difficult. Students use their own words and material flows relatively easily.

The writing is almost error-free. Students use their own words smf material flows easily.


Total grade ___________________________

Presentation 15%


Does not meet expectations


Meets expectations


Exceeds expectations




3 points

Incorporates minimal course concepts into presentation. Some concepts presented are not relevant to topic. Or not easy to understand.

Incorporates some course concepts into presentation. Mostly easy to understand but sometimes there is too little or too much information.

Incorporates relevant course concepts into presentation where appropriate.

Easy to follow and understand.




3 points

Demonstrates little or no understanding of the specific issues being discussed.

Demonstrates some understanding of the specific issues being discussed.

Demonstrates a clear understanding of the specific issues being discussed.



and vocabulary

2 points

Little attempt to use course terminology and proper accounting vocabulary.

Mispronounced, misused and/or sporadic use of terminology and/or accounting vocabulary.

Relevant and fluent terminology and/or vocabulary and pronunciation.



2 points

Speakers (or one) lack confidence and/or rely on notes most of the time.

Speakers (or one) lack confidence and/or rely on notes some of the time.

Speakers are well prepared and exhibit confidence. They rarely rely on notes.


Total grade ________________________

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