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Post Date: 15 - Jan - 2024

Unit Title

International Marketing

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Unit Credit Value



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Learning Outcomes

To pass this unit, the student must achieve all the major learning outcomes as follows:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how marketing contributes to business strategies in an international context including opportunities and threats for firms exposed to an increasing globalised environment
  2. Evaluate entry to a selection of international markets and define the key success factors with the advantages of trading blocs for firms
  3. Investigate how elements of the marketing plan can be adapted or standardised across international markets including determining importing and exporting process and practicalities involved
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of how to organise and evaluate international marketing efforts and ways SMEs can tap into international markets

Issue Date



Final Submission Deadline:                                             Submission Date


Signature of Assessor

Signature of Internal Verifier





Unit Aim

The aim of this unit is to introduce students to a variety of methods organisations use to coordinate their international marketing efforts. Students will critically evaluate the various challenges that organisations face when doing so. This unit will give students the knowledge and ability to work with marketing teams internationally and to study marketing at a higher level.

Unit Introduction

This unit will help learners to discover several areas which are important to be considered in international marketing. International marketing means applying the marketing principles on a global level. Learners will gain an appreciation of the various cultural, regulatory and political issues that exist in transferring marketing strategies into different countries and the impact it can have on both consumers and the organisation. This will ensure that marketing efforts are able to transcend international borders.


Students must complete ALL tasks in order to achieve this unit.

Grading criteria

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for passing this unit. Learners who complete the unit but who do not meet all the pass criteria are graded ‘Unclassified’. Learners whose course work is unclassified will be given the opportunity to make necessary corrections and amendments for resubmission. In order to achieve a merit unit grade, all pass criteria and all merit descriptors must be met. To achieve a distinction unit grade, all pass criteria plus all merit and distinction descriptors must be met.

Completing the tasks

In order to complete the tasks, you will need to research different information sources such as textbooks, journals articles and the internet. You are also required to develop skills in analysis and synthesis of information. Analysis requires you to critically examine different aspects of a topic and identify important issues. Synthesis requires you to summarise the information you have analysed in a cosies and coherent manner. Make use of information on assignment preparation and command verb usage in your Moodle Platform.


The intensity of competition in the domestic market among organisations in the same line of business is reducing the profit stream of existing product, thus, making business organisations to rethink their strategy to seek for new investment opportunities in the global market. Launching into the global market is expected to be confronted with controllable and uncontrollable forces.

The last few years has increased domestic competition in the Pizza market which has significantly affected Zenith Pizza leading to the drop in revenue and downsizing of the workforce. This event has made Zenith Pizza to rethink their strategy to seek for new investment opportunities in the global market. Thus, in launching into the global market, it is important for Zenith Pizza to take into account the uncontrollable forces of political, economic, cultural differences, competitive structure and technology.

As a senior marketing manager of Zenith Pizza charged with the responsibilities of delivery of strategic marketing plans, you are required to help Zenith Pizza market globally by advising the firm with new entry strategies and furthermore, investigate how elements of the marketing plan can be adapted and standardised across international markets where Zenith Pizza can successfully operate. Your role will also involve working in collaboration with the central marketing team to give them an understanding of the possible implication in marketing globally as well as suggesting various approaches and competitors analysis.

Task 1

Using your International Marketing skills, demonstrate an understanding of how marketing contributes to business strategies in an international context and discuss the opportunities and threats for firms exposed to the increasing globalised environment

  • Analyse the scope and key concepts of international marketing.
  • Then provide evidence based analysis of the global business environment in which a business such as Zenith Pizza will be operating and rationale for the company to market internationally giving the various routes they can adopt.
  • You can further widen your discussion by doing a critical analysis of the opportunities and threats that marketing internationally presents to Zenith Pizza in the international market.






Evidence: Report

Task 2:

Following your international marketing skills evaluate entry to a selection of international markets and define the key success factors including the advantages of trading blocs for firms like Zenith Pizza

  • Explain with examples the different market entry strategies, including the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  • Apply the market evaluation criteria, entry strategies and also make recommendations that could help Zenith Pizza to gain global presence.
  • You are also required to explain and evaluate to your team the advantages and implications of international trading blocs and agreement for Zenith Pizza including the different tariff and non-tariff barrier that exist in the international trading environment for Zenith Pizza.
  • You may further widen your explanation to critically evaluate how Zenith Pizza can adopt marketing strategies for various markets to overcome barriers to international trading.






Evidence: Report

Task 3:

Investigate how elements of the marketing plan can be adapted or standardized across international markets and determine the importing and exporting process and practicalities involved

  • Identify the key elements in the global vs local debate and explain the differences between merchandise and service import and export including their advantages and disadvantages for Zenith Pizza.
  • Explain how product, pricing, promotional and distribution approaches differ in a variety of international contexts.
  • Evaluate the context in which an organisation such as Zenith Pizza should adopt a global or local approach and highlighting the implication of doing so.
  • Apply correct import and export process for Zenith Pizza and make recommendations on how it could be applied in in international context. You may further add to your presentation a critical evaluation of how marketing mix is applied to a range of international context






Evidence: Report.

Task 4:

Demonstrate an understanding of how to organize and evaluate international marketing efforts (multinational, global, transnational, meta-national, etc.) and evaluate ways SMEs can tap into international market

  • Your employer has requested that you organize a 15-minute presentation to evaluate the various marketing approaches Zenith Pizza can use to tap into international market and assess the pros and cons of each method. Also, compare home and international orientation and assess competitors using competitor’s analysis.
  • Give valid recommendations and justification on how Zenith Pizza can maximize the various methods in an international context






Evidence: Presentation slides.


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