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3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals | Example Assignment

Post Date: 09 - Aug - 2024

Assessment ID/CIPD_3CO03

Example Answer 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals


The assessment has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for 3CO03 Core behaviours for people professionals.

Each of the learning outcomes (LO) and assessment criteria (AC) for the assessment must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.

Preparation for the assessment

Before you begin the assessment, please access and complete the topic essentials videos, activities, and the assessment guide video available via your virtual learning environment (VLE).

Completing the assessment

  • The assessment contains a series of tasks/questions which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment criteria.
  • Refer to the generic grade descriptor grid at the end of the assessment which outlines the requirements.
  • Evidence must be provided in the main body of the assessment document. If appendices are included, these will not be marked or moderated; however, they may be reviewed by your assessor.
  • The assessment must be completed in a professional manner (eg applying business conventions for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word.
  • The assessment must be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and not in a PDF format, unless another format is requested within the brief, eg PowerPoint.
  • Harvard referencing system should be used to ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models used within your assessment can be verified.
  • You must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (a photo or scan of your signature is acceptable).


  • Your word count allowance is specified against each task. There is a +/-10% allowance on this word count and you must not exceed this. If you exceed the overall word count your work will be returned to you unmarked. 
  • Please note everything within the main body of your assessment is included within the word count unless otherwise stipulated. This includes any headings or sub-headings used. We will be unable to mark your work if it is unclear where one assessment criteria ends and the next one begins.
  • The bibliography or list of references is not included in the total word count.
  • You must title your answers using the relevant Assessment Criteria number.
  • Expectations are set out in the marking descriptor grid which you will find at the end of this document, you must pass all assessment criteria / learning outcomes to successfully achieve this unit.

This unit introduces the core behaviours for people professionals, focusing on ethical practice to
create value. It considers how certain ways of thinking and acting should be universally consistent,
even in new and challenging situations, to promote a sense of wellbeing and inclusivity in the


Ethical practice paper

A key responsibility for all ‘professionals’ is to regularly review and develop our performance at work.  This includes reviewing our work and interpersonal behaviours – a particularly important activity for people professionals.

In this task, you as a people professional (working or student), are asked to answer four review questions about your work behaviours, with a particular focus on ethics, inclusivity and how you interact with others

To complete the task, please respond to all four questions below. Your responses should reflect a sound understanding of ethical and inclusive people practice and include a mix of explanation (description/discussion) along with examples, as required by the question.

  1. Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work (or in your studies). For each of these, provide a real example of HOW they inform your approach to work. (AC 1.1)
  2. Describe, with examples, two ways in which you as a people professional conform (or, in future employment, would conform) with ethics related legislation. (AC 1.2)
  3. For each of the three contexts (a, b, c) below, describe one example of how you have behaved in a way that was inclusive and respectful to others, and one way in which you could further enhance your behaviour. (AC 2.1)

a) contributing your views and opinions

b) clarifying problems or issues

c) working effectively as part of a team

4. Explain why it is important for a people practice professional to stay up to date with developments in the world of work and people practice and recommend two methods you have found most effective for this purpose. (AC 2.2)

Your evidence must consist of

a written response, clearly responding to the four questions above (1,250 words +/- 10%)


(Please provide your word count at the end of your task.)

Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work (or in your studies). For each of these, provide a real example of HOW they inform your approach to work.

I consider integrity as an ethical principle, and corresponding professional value is transparency. Integrity is a major factor that guides me to make righteous decisions and resists the feeling to diverge from principles in difficult situations or temptations to break the rules. Openness and transparency are the two principles that underlie the value of transparency in interactions and communications (Bosley, 2022).

As a people professional, integrity is my guide in all my behaviours and actions. I am very aware of the fact that when dealing with sensitive employee information I must ensure confidentiality and discretion, and I fully respect the privacy rights of individuals. A few days ago, I was given feedback about a colleague`s performance issues which was sensitive. Despite the urge to hide it, my core value of integrity helped me to speak out and ask for support from my colleagues. I proposed open communication, not hiding the issue.

Transparency as well is very important for trust and cohesion in teams. For example, at the team meetings, I ensure to share the project updates, challenges, and successes openly, which I do so freely (CIPD, 2022). This approach, therefore, fosters an environment where individuals feel appreciated and informed, thus, equipping them with the power to participate actively in the decision-making process. On the other hand, when engaging in the new policies and procedures, I make clear the reasons behind the decision, involving every stakeholder in the process.

In one of my recent projects, I was required to revise performance evaluation criteria. Not only did I introduce new things without prior consent, but I also initiated open discussions with team members, hearing their ideas and opinions. Through the open dialog, we jointly reworked the assessment procedure, so fairness and the sense of belonging were ensured (CIPD, 2023).

As a people professional, I believe that integrity and transparency are the building blocks of my approach, and these values are the ones that guide my actions and decisions to maintain high ethical standards and develop a workplace environment that is inclusive to all.

Describe, with examples, two ways in which you as a people professional conform (or, in future employment, would conform) with ethics related legislation.

Data Protection Regulations Compliance

As a people professional, data protection regulations compliance is one of the major concerns to protect the personal data of individuals and to help the organisation to build up trust with it. I make sure the protection of personal data is one of the main priorities by creating and implementing strict data protection policies and procedures. For instance, I occasionally check and revisit our organisation`s data handling procedures to ensure that they are in line with the current privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (Karen, 2020). These regulations demand the consent of each individual before any personal information is gathered, a secure storage and transfer of data, and a chance for a person to review, edit, or delete data any time he/she wants to. This will, therefore, reduce the chances of data breaches and avoid any legal consequences while at the same time cultivating a culture where individuals are given a chance to respect each other`s privacy rights.

Complying with Equal Employment Opportunity regulations

The other most important component of ethical behaviour in my role as a people professional is adherence to the equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws that prohibit discrimination based on protected characteristics such as race, sex, age or disability. To ensure that these laws are being enforced, I encourage DEI programs throughout the organisation. For example, I meet with hiring managers to check that job descriptions are inclusive and free from bias. I also design training programs that create awareness around unconscious bias and discrimination and establish fair and transparent recruitment and promotion processes. Lastly, I investigate the complaints or incidents of discrimination immediately and without prejudice, taking disciplinary measures if required (Kosinski, 2024). Through the application of EEO laws, I build a workplace where every employee is treated equally and has equal opportunities for development and career growth, which in turn contributes to the creation of a more tolerant and unified working environment.

For each of the three contexts (a, b, c) below, describe one example of how you have behaved in a way that was inclusive and respectful to others, and one way in which you could further enhance your behaviour.

a) contributing your views and opinions

In team brainstorming sessions, I made sure everybody could express their ideas and opinions by doing my best to stimulate the participation of the shy team members. I deliberately created an environment where people could express themselves freely without expecting judgment or interruption. This inclusive approach, therefore, helped to cultivate a feeling of belonging and at the same time added diversity to our discussions by including different perceptions (Lopiz, 2020).

In the future, I would be likely to take the initiative to ask feedback from those people who are less likely to speak up without being prompted. For example, I can request the direct opinion of the team members concerning a specific matter, thereby considering their views and valuing them.

b) clarifying problems or issues

During the team meetings, I always make sure that I use the language that is clear, concise and easy to comprehend by the team members with different backgrounds or expertise levels. I often listen to what other people have to say and ask questions for clarification to help us both to understand each other and to align on issues under discussion. I can generate an atmosphere in which every person has an opportunity to ask questions and to participate in the seeking of solutions by encouraging open communication and transparency.

Another way to enhance my behaviour in this respect is by including visual assistances or diagrams to accompany verbal explanations, which cater for different learning styles and help all team members to comprehend (SHRM, 2014).

c) working effectively as part of a team

When working as part of a team, I actively seek input from all members and ensure that tasks and responsibilities are distributed equitably based on individuals` strengths and preferences. I work to develop a participatory ecosystem where each person is respected and invited to contribute with their specific abilities and viewpoints. I encourage a feeling of ownership and shared responsibility among team members to build a collaborative and open environment which will be the source of success.

To augment my behaviour in the mentioned context, I could possibly establish periodic check-ins and feedback sessions to provide room for my teammates to give their input on how we can further improve collaboration and teamwork (SPHR, 2020). I can also make it my duty to promote peer-to-peer recognition and appreciation to commend individuals` performance and further deepen the understanding of teamwork and respect within the group.

 (AC 2.2)

Keeping up to date with the global trends in work and people practice is paramount for people practice professionals to remain effective and competent in their position. The job environment is always in a dynamic state because of factors like technical improvements, organisational structure transformation and societal values change. Moreover, the people sector remains dynamic as new research, trends, and best practices are emerging frequently. By keeping the professionals updated on these changes, they can reflect on their strategies and approaches to address arising challenges and provide solutions for their organization and employees (Timon, 2023).

Two methods I have found most effective for staying up to date with developments in the world of work and people practice are.

Continuous Learning

It is possible to achieve this by being involved in continuous education including formal education, workshops, seminars, webinars, and conferences which keep one informed about industry trends and developments. Engaging in professional development activities with experts in the field, enables professionals to share ideas and be informed of the latest trends, and to interact with other professionals. Moreover, professionals can obtain certificates or advanced degrees in fields including human resources, organisational psychology, or change management which will not only be enriching but also add to their expertise and credibility (Wen, 2022).

Networking and Collaboration

Another key way to keep up to date to the latest developments in people`s practice is by finding active ways to network and collaborate with other professionals in the field. Belonging to professional associations, participating in industry events, and being present on forums on LinkedIn or other social media platforms is a good way of sharing ideas and best practices, and learning from others` experiences. The creation of a robust professional network gives contacts for various views and advice, which are essential for continuous development and learning. On top of that, jointly working on projects or research with partners from different institutions is a priceless chance to possess knowledge sharing and mutual support.

Wordcount: 1383


Professional Development

This task continues your professional review by requiring you to consider the impact of your chosen CPD activities on your performance and behaviours.

To complete the task, you are asked to provide a record of how you have proactively maintained and upgraded your knowledge and skills over the last 12 months, along with a review of the impact of these activities.

Your record should be presented as an attachment to your assignment, either in the form of a formal/structured CPD Record or as pages from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool. (AC 2.3)

Your record(s) must include the following:

  • A description of three CPD activities, undertaken within the last 12 months, that you consider having impacted on your work performance or behaviours

The three ‘activities’ may be anything that supported your development, for example: planned/formal development activities such as learning events or programmes; unplanned/informal activities such as researching online, watching a video, or reading a book; or work-based activities such as participating in a particular work project or simply putting yourself in a work role or position that you knew would stretch and develop you.

  • And for each of these three activities, a reflection on how they have impacted your work performance or behaviours

For example: did you gain a greater understanding of, or more knowledge about, something and if so, how has that impacted your behaviour? How are you, or is your performance, different because of the learning undertaken? Was the activity worth doing in terms of its impact on your behaviour or performance? Did the activity make you aware of, or perhaps generate, other development needs? What conclusions did you draw from this for further activities? 

Your evidence must consist of one of the following:

  • A formal/structured CPD Record, edited to include just the three selected activities OR  
  • A report (or reports) from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool, covering the three selected activities (please note: CIPD pre-populated question text is excluded from word count)

(750 words +/- 10%)


(Please provide your word count at the end of your task.)

(AC 2.3)

CPD Activity 1: Leadership Workshop participation

In the last year, I was part of a two-day leadership training organised by an accredited training institution (Karen, 2020). The workshop that we participated in had several themes efficient communication, team building, conflict resolution, and strategic decision-making. It was a turning point for my job and the way I was handling my work. I learned about real-world tools and techniques of leading by example. For example, I now understand the value of active listening and being positive in my feedback, a skill which has made me better at interacting with my team members. Implementation of the above strategies has led to a great boost in teamwork and productivity within my team.

In addition, this workshop helped me in acquiring some of the team dynamics and conflict resolution strategies. I realized that if I spotted and handle the problems that were there within my team, it would be easier to resolve the conflicts and we would have a more united team. Furthermore, the workshop suggested the essence of strategic decision-making and allowed me to tackle complicated issues in a more structured and analytical way.

To begin with, the leadership workshop was one of the most helpful events I have ever attended as it helped me obtain the skills and knowledge needed to become a good leader in my role. Most importantly, it increased my leadership ability, and also contributed positively to my work performance and behaviours, thereby creating a more cohesive team environment (Kosinski, 2024).

CPD Activity 2: Online Course about Diversity and Inclusion

I registered for an online class on diversity and inclusion provided by reliable educational systems. Then we spoke about such themes as implicit bias, cultural skills and how to adopt inclusion as a core value. A virtual class on the topic of diversity and inclusion which I participated in, has been the remarkable experience that both affected my working performance as well as my behaviour. On one side, I was able to learn about a variety of workplace problems but on the other side, I gained insight into how these issues affect the workplace. I am indeed fortuned with the opportunity to attend the lectures and also participate in the interactive sessions that have helped me to explore different forms of discrimination and bias that could occur in the workplace, which in turn, have enabled me to examine my own biases and assumptions critically (Lopiz, 2020).

However, from this training, I have developed myself and learnt to be an agent of change in my organization so that it will promote a diversified and inclusive work culture. For instance, I made it a point to interact directly with the top management and get their endorsement to roll out the diversity training programs and also to audit the hiring and promotion procedures to make sure they are conducted in an equitable manner. Besides this, I have set my mind on building up a team that is not only diverse but also inclusive I will be accountable for the diversity and celebrate the differences.

The online class on diversity and inclusion has helped me appreciate how to be a promoter of inclusivity in the workplace which has in return positively affected my attitude and performance. This experience has broadened my perspective on diversity matters and it has motivated me to be a strong supporter of a workplace where all employees are treated fairly and with respect (SHRM, 2014).

CPD Activity 3: Working as a member of a cross-functional project team

During the last twelve months, I have been a member of the cross-functional group that was assigned to create a new initiative for improving employee engagement. This project involved interacting with the staff from different departments like HR, marketing and operations.

The involvement in cross-functional project team has proved to be a learning experience that has had a tremendous effect on my job performance and behaviors at work. Firstly, I got the chance to work with people from different fields and this helped me to be able to work well with my fellows with a multifaceted background. My work with people from different departments made me realize how the roles and responsibilities of each person are vital to the organization and also my respect and appreciation for the contribution of each person grew (SPHR, 2020).

Apart from that, the project enabled me to acquire new competencies like project management and stakeholder engagement that are essential for implementing any project. Through the process of attending and actively participating in the project meetings, sharing ideas, and taking up leadership roles, when necessary, I developed my leadership and influenced others` abilities in the cross-functional setting. I also became aware of the intricate nature of change management and how communication and teamwork are significant factors in achieving a common objective.

Consequently, I have developed a great deal of flexibility and resilience in dealing with the intricacies of project management and collaborating with a diverse group of stakeholders. In addition, I have learnt how to resolve conflict and negotiate with people which has helped me to be a better leader and a positive influence in the workplace (Wen, 2022).

Wordcount: 810


Use the space below to cite any external sources used in your assessment.

  • Bosley, A. (2022). Ethical practice and the role of people professionals. [online] CIPD. Available at:
  • CIPD (2023). Code of Conduct and Ethics. [online] CIPD. Available at:
  • Karen, L. (2020). CIPD | Ethics at work: an employer’s guide. [online] CIPD. Available at:
  • Kosinski, M. (2024). How to implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). [online] IBM Blog. Available at:
  • Lopiz, K. (2020). (PDF) Ethical Standards for Human Resource Management Professionals: A Comparative Analysis of Five Major Codes. [online] ResearchGate. Available at:
  • SHRM (2014). Code of Ethics. [online] Available at:
  • SPHR, K.H.R. | S.-S. (2020). EEO Laws: What They Are And How To Be Compliant. [online] Available at:
  • Timon, M. (2023). What is Continuous Learning and How to Implement It. [online] WorkRamp. Available at:
  • Wen, K. (2022). 5 key data compliance regulations to know for 2022. [online] SimpleLegal. Available at:


Use the space below to include any sources referred to but not directly cited (eg books, articles, websites) within your assessment.

Importance of 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals Assignment

The unit 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals is pivotal for students pursuing CIPD qualifications in human resources and people management. It serves as the bedrock for developing the essential behaviours and attitudes required for effective HR practice. This unit helps students build a professional identity that aligns with industry standards, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the HR field.

One of the key benefits of this unit is the enhancement of professional competence. By focusing on core behaviours such as ethical practice, effective communication, and a commitment to continuous personal development, students gain the skills necessary to handle various HR scenarios with confidence and proficiency. This foundation is crucial for addressing the diverse challenges that arise in people management roles.

Moreover, the unit underscores the importance of ethical and legal compliance, teaching students to uphold high standards of integrity and professionalism. This knowledge is essential for maintaining the reputation of the HR profession and ensuring that all practices are legally sound and ethically responsible.

Building and maintaining positive relationships is another significant aspect of this unit. Students learn to foster a collaborative and supportive work environment by developing strong interpersonal skills. These abilities are vital for successful people management and contribute to a positive workplace culture.

Furthermore, mastering the core behaviours covered in this unit is often a prerequisite for career advancement within the HR field. Demonstrating these behaviours effectively can enhance employability and open up opportunities for career progression. The unit also encourages reflective practice, allowing students to critically evaluate their own behaviours and continuously improve their professional skills.

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