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Critically evaluate the key features of Harley Davidson’s industry

Post Date: 05 - Aug - 2023

MA HRM ‘Leading & Managing’ CA

Harley Davidson: Preparing for the Next Century

To be attempted individually

 1.      Critically evaluate the key features of Harley Davidson’s industry.

 2.      Critically assess the change/transformation process that took place in  Harley Davidson.

 3.      As a leader within Harley Davidson, discuss what you would do differently?

Criteria for assessment

  1. 1.   While the focus will be on the quality rather than the quantity of content, it is expected that this assignment will be 2,500 words maximum.
  1. 2.   Harvard protocol must be used (style and referencing).
  1. 3.   The assignment should be printed (1.5 spacing), in Arial 12 or Times New Roman 12 in justified format and submitted to me via ‘Turnitin’. Note that pages should be numbered.

 This assignment requires an application of appropriate module concepts

Marks Allocation: 50%

Structure                                                                     20 marks

Application of theory, concepts/frameworks              50 marks Critical analysis                                                                                    30 marks

Submission Date: 3rd March 2020 via ‘Turnitin’

Important: All work submitted as continuous assessment must be properly referenced. It is a student’s responsibility to become familiar with the appropriate referencing conventions.


There should be a list of all books and articles mentioned at the end of the assignment. The Harvard System is recommended for the following reasons:

a)  It ensures that the author’s name and year of publication appear in the text.

b)  The alphabetical order makes the reference list easy to consult. 

c)  Only one entry is necessary in the reference list even though the item may have been mentioned several times in the text. 

Sample references(not necessarily applicable to Harley-Davidson Case)


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