Unit 18: Designing and Developing a Website
Unit code: L/601/3315
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 15
Guided learning hours: 90
Unit aim
The aim of this unit is for learners to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding required for website design and the associated development process.
Competency unit assessment guidance
This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.
Unit introduction
Learners will understand the key concepts that drive the internet and the world wide web and examine how these concepts are implemented by businesses.
This includes demonstrating awareness and understanding of web standards and the potential of multimedia elements within an Extensible Hyper-Text Mark- up Language (XHTML) site.
Learners will design a website which is applicable to a vocational advertising and marketing context. This will include demonstrating appropriate use of web development tools to fulfil the requirements of a brief.
Testing the communication and functionality of the learner’s website is a key component of this unit. The ability to analyse, interpret and rectify any functionality issues is a final, but essential, part of the design process.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Assessment criteria
1 Designa Web site to addressloosely-defined requirements
1.1 Identify thekey designfeaturesinherent within a requirementsspecification
1.2 Use planning tools andtechniquesto create a site map
1.3 Evaluatedifferent designmodels and select the mostappropriateto meetrequirements.
2 Use web development tools tobuild (X)HTML- and CSS-basedwebsitesto address well-definedspecifications
2.1 Describe the use of (X)HTML todevelop websites
2.2 Describe how touse CSS tostandardise the overall style ofa website
2.3 Write the source code for asimple web page in cleanXHTML according to aspecification.
2.4 Write the source code for a CSSaccording to a specification
2.5 Explainthecontextualapplicationof a variety of webdevelopment tools
2.6 Explaintheadvantagesanddisadvantages of various webdevelopment methodologiesand technologies
3Understandthe technology andtools needed touse multimediain the context of a website
3.1 Explaintheadvantagesanddisadvantages of various typesof multimedia file format
3.2 Explaintheadvantagesanddisadvantages of different typesof multimedia element inrelation to different contexts
3.3 Embed functionalmultimediacomponents in an (X)HTML site
Assessment criteria
4 Develop test strategies andapply theseto aWeb site
4.1 Developand applya teststrategy consistentwith thedesign
4.2 Determine expected test results
4.3 Recordactual test results toenable comparison withexpected results
4.4 Analyse actual test resultsagainst expected results toidentifydiscrepancies
4.5 Investigatetest discrepanciesto identify and rectify theircauses
4.6 Explaintheneed for testing ondifferent platforms andbrowsers
5 Understand the need for Webstandards
5.1 Explaintherole of the W3C
5.2 ExplainW3C standards andtheir applicationin site coding
5.3 Discussweb accessibilityandusability issues fromtheviewpoint ofan IT professional
6 Understandthe conceptsassociatedwith usingtheinternetand theworld wide webfor business
6.1 Explaintheunderlyingphysicaland operational properties ofthe internetandworld wideweb, includingthe differencebetween the two.
6.2 Discussthe internetand theweb as a business tool,including (but not limited to) asa tool for communications,research, sales and marketing.
6.3 Discussthe advantagesanddisadvantages of variousinternet-based models, indifferent contexts
6.4 Discussthe advantagesanddisadvantages of variousecommerce models, in differentcontexts