Impact of a hospital wide hygiene initiate on healthcare associated infection: results of an interrupted time series
Academic Level: Under Graduate
This assignment requires you to focus upon the literature searching process that you undertook to obtain literature for your presentation. You need to describe, justify, critically analyze and evaluate:
- the key terms that you used for the search
- the key words highlighted in the literature
- the online subject terms from the databases
- truncating key terms
- the databases and other sources used in order to access the literature
- search strategy, including the use of Boolean operators.
Your discussion needs to highlight those aspects which were particularly effective and suggest what may have improved the effectiveness of those aspects of the literature searching process which were not successfully, or efficiently, undertaken.
The discussion needs to relate to and elaborate upon how well you were able to:
- Undertake your search in a timely manner
- access literature which answered your presentation research question (That is, placed your search terms in the correct context)
- identify the relevance of the literature
- discern the type of literature / evidence
- keep a record of your searches
The discussion needs to be underpinned by reference to authoritative literature throughout.
This paper circulates around the title/core theme of Completed ideas should incorporate nursing and management together with its essential details/aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential & 100% plagiarism-free