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‘The legitimacy of International Criminal Law from Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court has been hobbled by limited jurisdictional reach’. Critically discuss.

Post Date: 11 - Jan - 2020

LLB & Graduate Entry LLB Degree

Module code: LU/LG3077

Module title: International Criminal Law


  • All questions carry equal marks
  • Please answer ONE of the FOUR questions provided.
  • Assignment Type: Summative Final Assessment
  • Word Limit: 3000 words including footnotes, excluding bibliography.
  • Essays MUST NOT exceed the maximum word length.  However, an overrun of up to 10% will not be penalised if the examiner decides the extra material is fully relevant.
  • Essays MUST be typed and submitted on Moodle no later than

1)    ‘The legitimacy of International Criminal Law from Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court has been hobbled by limited jurisdictional reach’. Critically discuss.

2)    ‘The contextual elements of “core international crimes” reflect the fact that, individual criminal responsibility aside, these are crimes of collectivities.’  Critically discuss with reference to the debates on a) genocidal intent and b) the policy element in crimes against humanity.

3)    ‘The International Criminal Court is not practically capable of deterring the crime of genocide’. Critically discuss.

4)    ‘The lack of a precise definition for “interests of justice” in the Rome Statute leaves far too much room for prosecutorial discretion in the selection of situations and cases’. Critically discuss.



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