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Understand how to evaluate an event

Post Date: 11 - Jan - 2020

Unit 7:  Understanding Event Evaluation and Reporting

Unit reference number:     D/600/8555 Level: 3
Credit value:                     3
Guided learning hours:     18

Unit aim

This unit sets out the basic principles required to evaluate and report on an event. Learners should understand the criticality of using evaluation to continuously improve performance. They will demonstrate how to gather and analyse information covering all aspects of an event against the critical success factors for their organisation. In doing so, they will ensure their evaluation is thorough, effective and meaningful and that findings impact on management of future events.

Essential resources

There are no special resources needed for this unit.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes

 Assesment Criteria


Unit Implifications


Understand the principles of evaluating an event

1.1      Explain the importance of evaluation and reporting an event



□      Importance of evaluating an event: to improve or maintain the organisation’s reputation, ensure safety, gain public confidence, improve efficiency and effectiveness



1.2      Explain the role that evaluation plays in continuous performance improvement for their own organisation and for other stakeholders





□      Role of evaluation: how evaluation is critical to achieving continuous

improvement for managing future events; how the evaluation process defines criteria for judging success of an event, the information and data needed and the use to which this will be put; how decisions on future events are influenced by evaluation reports; why it is important that evaluations are systematic and thorough so that there is confidence in the findings



1.3      Describe the principles and methods involved in evaluation

□      Principles and methods of evaluation: using qualitative and quantitative methods

□      Qualitative methods are using narrative or descriptive data such as views and attitudes, feedback from customers, sponsors, performers, other stakeholders

□      Quantitative methods are using numerical data such as ticket sales, audience numbers, revenue

□      Evaluation may be direct, e.g. customer surveys, personal observation or indirect, e.g. comments via social media sites, follow-on sales, repeat bookings, customer enquiries

□      Why it is important to include stakeholders in evaluation of an event



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

1.4      Explain why it is important to identify and use critical success factors when evaluating events

□      Identifying and using critical success factors: how to identify critical success factors which are important to the organisation, the aspects by which the organisation judges its success in event management, how these are translated into measurable performance indicators, who has responsibility for monitoring these, how they should be recorded and reported upon

Learning outcomes

 Assessment criteria


 Unit amplification


Understand how to evaluate an event

2.1      Describe the specific processes involved in evaluating events in their sector


□      Processes of evaluating an event: debriefing meetings, reviews with key staff, key stakeholders, e.g. suppliers, contractors, local authority officers, emergency services; obtaining and preparing data and information in suitable formats; obtaining and collating opinions and feedback at the event, after the event, e.g. from customers, delegates, clients, staff, volunteers; using surveys, gathering online feedback, e.g. on social networking sites, YouTube; summarising aspects of success and areas for improvement; reporting against critical success factors



2.2      Identify the main relevant legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the evaluation of events in their sector




□      Legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the evaluation of events: health and safety legislation, environmental health legislation, welfare requirements, food safety legislation, first aid and medical provision; traffic management, fire and emergency services access; sports events legislation



2.3      Explain how to choose financial and non-financial critical success factors

□      Financial and non-financial critical success factors: key areas that are targeted by the organisation, e.g. event management procedures, IT systems for management, sales, promotion, security, employee skills

□      How these factors may differ depending on the type of event; how to identify, select and prioritise these for an event in terms of organisational aims, in terms of legal requirements; who to consult to check current priorities



2.4      Describe the main information sources that can be used to evaluate an event

□      Information sources: sources from within the organisation, sources from outside the organisation; direct and indirect information, e.g. from direct observation or involvement, data from tickets and entry points, feedback from customers, event officials, emergency services, public authority officers, suppliers, performers, broadcasters



2.5      Explain how to access relevant information sources



□      How to access relevant information sources: obtaining information from sources from within the organisation, sources from outside the organisation, e.g. by email, phone, event briefings, collated data, government data, internet sites, trade journals



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

2.6      Explain why it is important to verify information used for evaluation

□      Why it is important to verify information used for evaluation: to reduce or eliminate errors, to ensure that information is current, accurate and complete; so that conclusions based on the data are valid, so that decisions that follow the evaluation can be made with confidence; why it is important to do so before presenting summary findings with judgements

2.7      Describe how to verify information sources

□      How to verify information sources: by cross checking data and information sources, e.g. through back working data, by questioning key sources, by using a mix of qualitative and quantitative data and information, by comparing with data from independent sources such as government agencies, by seeking advice from independent experts

2.8      Describe the different types of information that can be used and their relative value to an evaluation

□      Different types of information that can be used and their relative value to an evaluation: information received, e.g. by email, phone, event briefings, collated data from suppliers, officials, direct and indirect feedback from clients and customers, feedback on internet sites, video footage of the event; how to weight information depending on source, extent or frequency, experience and expertise, factors that may have influenced feedback or data, e.g. personal opinions, problems at or before the event

2.9      Explain the processes for collating and analysing event information

□      Collating and analysing event information: how to analyse information by breaking down data to identifiable sources; assessing or comparing data from previous events or from similar events held elsewhere; analysing data from different sources; comparing projected spend against actual to predict profit or loss; reviewing income and expenditure under event budget sub-headings, e.g. hospitality, security, transport, facility costs, emergency and support services


Learning outcomes

 Assessment criteria


 Unit amplification


Understand how to report on the evaluation of an event

3.1      Describe the key

components that should appear in an evaluation report


□      Key components in an evaluation report: detailed and summary information on the event under headings, e.g. date, type, venue, attendance, event manager, key officers, financial summary, feedback received, sales, promotion, security, hospitality, facility, emergency and support services, event staffing and volunteers; assessment against critical success factors for the event; areas of concern; recommendations for improvements



3.2      Explain who evaluation reports should be disseminated to


□      Dissemination of the evaluation report: who evaluation reports should be disseminated to within the organisation, e.g. managers, team leaders, site safety officer; outside the organisation, e.g. emergency services, sponsors and promoters, licensing authority, chief security officer, stakeholders such as community groups; following the agreed format for reports to external and internal recipients; redacting confidential information before external dissemination; following agreed protocols, e.g. when to send copies to Committee Chairs or senior managers



3.3      Explain how to disseminate evaluation reports

□      How to disseminate evaluation reports, e.g. by email, hard copy, by presentation, by video link, using intranet facilities; following agreed organisational protocols, prioritising recipients, ensuring reports are sealed or marked appropriately for dissemination; redacting confidential information before external dissemination; following the agreed timescale for disseminating the evaluation report



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

3.4      Explain the importance of confidentiality

□      Importance of confidentiality and the implications if this is disregarded: how some information in the report may be protected under the Data Protection Act, the implications if this is breached, i.e. damage to persons, loss of privacy or reputation

□      How some information must remain confidential to maintain security and safety, e.g. details of security plans and resourcing, access routes for performers, the implications if this information is not kept confidential

□      How information on other aspects such as ticketing, revenue or other financial aspects must remain confidential to protect the organisation’s business and reputation

□      Why it is important to keep some information confidential, e.g. advance information on potential performers, merchandising, environmental impact assessments of using certain venues to avoid adverse publicity, to avoid unauthorised merchandising, to protect venues

3.5      Identify what types of information might be confidential

□      What types of information might be confidential, e.g. financial information, security issues, personal details of staff, members of the public, officers involved in the event

3.6      Describe how to treat confidential information

□      How to treat confidential information to comply with organisational protocols, Data Protection requirements

□      How to mark reports to restrict sight to named personnel

Learning outcomes

 Assessment criteria


 Unit amplification


Understand the organisational context for evaluating and reporting on the success of an event

4.1      Describe the extent of their own responsibilities for evaluation

□      Responsibilities for evaluation: how it is important to ensure accuracy and timeliness in providing the evaluation; how to ensure that information and feedback are gathered sensitively and professionally; who to check with to ensure information is gathered on time; why it is important to liaise with key stakeholders throughout the evaluation to maintain their support; ensuring organisational protocols, e.g. when contacting suppliers or officers, are maintained at all times



4.2      Describe how their role relates to the roles of oth in your organisation



□      How their role relates to others in the organisation: the range of colleagues and their roles who are involved in event planning and operation; colleagues include those at the same level, those at different levels, managers, colleagues at different sites, e.g. regional branches, overseas branches; the ways in which their role depends on the input and support of others; how their own role supports colleagues to perform their duties; the limits of their own responsibilities for others; their line management accountabilities



4.3      Describe the main responsibilities of colleagues when evaluating an event and other organisations with whom they can liaise

□      Main responsibilities of colleagues when evaluating an event, how this must be agreed before the event; why this must be taken into account when gathering information and confirming findings, e.g. to ensure information is produced in the correct format, or to avoid delays

□      How to liaise with other organisations to ensure the event evaluation is thorough, e.g. local authorities, emergency services, contractors, suppliers



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