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Understand how to manage the running of an event

Post Date: 11 - Jan - 2020

Unit 6:  Understanding How to Manage the Running of an Event

Unit reference number:     Y/600/8554 Level: 4
Credit value:                     4
Guided learning hours:     25

Unit aim

This unit requires learners to understand how to manage the running of events from two contrasting sectors, for example sport, music, public banquet, conference and public entertainments such as firework/sound and light displays.

Learners will be required to demonstrate how to follow event plans, organise and lead event staff, and deal with problems that arise. An essential part of this is knowing how to communicate effectively with others involved in the events.

Managing change and emerging issues during an event is an essential skill.

Essential resources

There are no special resources needed for this unit.

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes





Understand how to manage the running of an event

1.1      Explain the importance of following agreed plans for an event

□      Importance of following agreed plans for an event: so that those involved follow timings, procedures and protocols; to ensure licensing conditions, legal requirements are complied with; to ensure insurance requirements are not breached; ensuring responsibilities for the different areas of the event are clearly understood, e.g. security, hospitality,  entry and ticketing, contractors, crowd control



1.2   Describe the processes used to monitor the running of an event

□      How to monitor how well the event is running: by checking the different areas, e.g. by personal observation, via phone or radio reports, using CCTV, through receiving confirmation from those with designated responsibility for the different areas



1.3    Explain why it is important to provide authorisation for each stage of an event

□      Importance of providing authorisation for each stage of the event: to meet licensing requirements, to enable responsible persons to check safety and security requirements have been met for each stage, to ensure that timetabled tasks have been completed in accordance with the operational plan before moving on to the next stage; to provide an opportunity to agree specific actions or changes completed with emergency services, licensing authority officers



1.4      Describe the processes th should follow to provide authorisation for different stages of an event to go ahead


□      Processes that should be followed to provide authorisation for different stages of an event to go ahead: responsible persons able to sign off different stages, e.g. Site Safety Coordinator, Chief Security officer, Fire Safety Officer, Licensing officer; correct documentation to complete for each stage; correct format to notify others of authorisation, e.g. verbal confirmation, email, signed document



Learning outcomes

 Assessment criteria




Understand how to work with others when managing an event

2.1      Describe the typical management arrangements for an event

□      Typical management arrangements for an event: defining a hierarchy to control each aspect of the event, setting out reporting arrangements and methods, designating responsible officers or persons for each aspect, setting out roles and responsibilities; detailed processes to be adopted to maintain safety, e.g. safe systems of work, safe access, provision of information, training and consultation with employees, responsibilities of the Site Safety officer, liaison with licensing authority officers, emergency services officers




Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

2.2      Describe the roles and responsibilities of people involved in the management arrangements for an event, including external organisations

□      Roles and responsibilities: the importance of setting out roles and responsibilities clearly and agreeing them in advance of the event so that everyone involved is clear about their own and others’ roles, so that extent of individual remit is set out, so that reporting lines are clear

□      Roles and responsibilities of the range of people involved in managing an event, e.g. site safety coordinator who is responsible for managing and monitoring safety of the event

□      Commissioning agents who are responsible for arranging the performers at an event and how the event will be promoted and marketed

□      Performers who are responsible for complying with the site safety rules and for using equipment and facilities safely

□      Facility owners and managers who have a duty of care to the public and are responsible for the safety of those attending or working at the event

□      Contractors who are responsible for ensuring their equipment meets safety requirements and that they comply with site safety rules, e.g. staff competencies, keep to agreed setup and breakdown arrangements

□      Suppliers who are responsible for complying with site safety rules, for delivering as scheduled



□      Security officials who are responsible for maintaining security of all areas of the event, e.g. searching for prohibited items, taking action to eject individuals, controlling unauthorised behaviour, maintaining restricted areas, emergency access points and routes

□      Emergency services who are responsible for agreeing event contingency plans, for liaising with the event supervisor and for providing fire, ambulance or police presence

□      Licensing authority officers who have responsibilities for ensuring the event complies with the licence issued, that noise and environmental impact are acceptable

Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

2.3      Explain the importance of effective communication during an event

□      Effective communication during an event: the importance of using appropriate and effective communication methods so that accurate information is passed quickly to the correct people; ensuring that others can understand information and make judgements; using different communication styles to meet different needs

□      Protocols to ensure that confidential information is communicated only to those entitled to know, e.g. security staff, emergency services

2.4      Explain the processes to use to communicate during an event

□      Processes to use to communicate during an event: disseminating information to key personnel, issuing clear and concise instructions, sending and receiving reports, confirming authorised checks made, confirming activities completed, using agreed protocols and codes to pass on information; communicating via radio, phone, video screen, display signs, face to face; the importance of selecting the most appropriate method of communication for the situation, e.g. taking into account speed, the need for secure communication, the recipients of the communication

2.5      Describe the principles of effective leadership during an event

□      Principles of effective leadership: the three areas of leadership, i.e. strategic, operational and team; how to use different styles of leadership to suit different situations or different people, being aware of own strengths, being committed to the event organisation’s vision, striving for excellence in own and others’ performance of work tasks, being determined and persistent, e.g. in resolving problems, overcoming difficulties, setting clear goals for self and others to work towards, leading by example, e.g. adopting standards of behaviour for others to follow, having consistent principles, ethics and values

Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

2.6      Explain the importance of effective leadership during an event

□      Importance of effective leadership during an event: to reassure staff and those attending the event, to provide direction, to motivate and encourage staff dealing with difficulties, to make decisions, to anticipate and respond to problems, to take responsibility during incidents and emergencies, to organise resources efficiently and effectively, e.g. deployment of staff, management of time, control of budget

Learning outcomes





Understand how to deal with problems and manage change during an event

3.1 Identify the typical types problems that may occur during an event


□      Types of problems that may occur during an event, e.g. severe weather, power failures, trip and fall hazards, lack of or breakdown in facilities, equipment malfunction or collapse, crowd surge, crowd disturbance, vandalism, ticketing issues, theft, missing persons, transport disruption, security incidents and threats



3.2      Explain how to respond effectively to problems th may occur during the running of an event



□      Responding effectively to problems: following procedures and organisational guidelines, notifying persons responsible, reporting accurately and in the agreed format, adapting to meet particular circumstances, remaining calm and reassuring to members of the public and event staff, being decisive



3.3      Explain why it’s important to manage change during an event

□      Managing change during an event: the importance of managing change during an event, to respond appropriately so that the event is not disrupted, so that event staff are given clear direction and leadership to deal with changing schedules or requirements, so that those attending the event are reassured, so that good working relationships are maintained

□      Types of changes that might occur during an event, e.g. higher than anticipated crowd numbers, security breaches or clearance issues, severe weather, power failures, breakdown in facilities, equipment malfunction, structure collapse, crowd surge, crowd disturbance, missing persons, delays, vandalism or damage to equipment, facilities or areas, staff illness



3.4      Explain the processes involved in change management


□      How to manage change effectively: selecting the most appropriate communication methods so that others understand the need for actions to manage change, ensuring that communications are timely and inclusive, identifying and dealing with sensitive issues; following correct organisational guidelines, reporting changes and actions taken, recommending further actions to deal with developments



Learning outcomes         

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification

3.5      Explain why it is important to communicate any changes and developments during an event

□      Importance of communicating changes and developments during an event: so that those attending the event are reassured, so that event staff can adapt their activities, e.g. move to another area, summon assistance, provide directions, so that contractors, suppliers and performers can amend plans, so that emergency services can update contingency arrangements

3.6      Explain the processes to follow to communicate changes and developments during an event

□      Range of methods that may be used to communicate changes and developments during an event to event staff and others such as emergency services, performers, contractors, e.g. briefings, handouts, route-marking and signs, information displays, screens, scoreboards, face-to-face contact, PA systems, radio systems, loud hailers; using agreed protocols for communications; having accurate site plans or maps with clear coding of areas so that the impact of changes and developments can be assessed

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